The First LIGHT and Angel of Aries
“The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere, "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalization must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate (for each sign) this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light. This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.” ... "A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos." [EA, 328/9]
1. Aries—The Light of Life Itself. This is the dim point of light found at the center of the cycle of manifestation, faint and flickering. It is the "searchlight of the Logos [GOD], seeking that which can be used" for divine expression.
Keynote: “I” come forth, and from the Plane of Mind “I” rule.
“He [Christ] came forth as the flower or fruition of the past and as the guarantee of man's innate capacity. Christ, whilst also able to say "I am the light of the world" [like the Buddha] went further in His manifestation and gave a vision of the next step, demonstrating the light of the soul and pointing to the future, thus presenting that which could be because He had released on Earth the cosmic principle of love. Love is an aspect of the will, which is a point very little realized by the mass of men. It is the will to draw into itself or the will to attract into itself, and this will, when exerted toward that which is not material, we … call Love. But humanity has to see that which must be loved before that power of the will is sufficiently evoked. Then the vision can become a manifestation and a fact in expression.” [EA, 623]
“He anchored on Earth “the Will of God in the matrix of love” (as it has been esoterically called). [R&I, 527]
“The secret of the will lies in the recognition of the divine nature of man [the Soul or Christ in man]. Only this can evoke the true expression of the will. It has in fact to be evoked by the soul, as it dominates the human mind and controls the personality. This is not determination; it is not whipping up and stimulating desire so that it can be transmuted into will; it is not an implacable, unshakable, immovable focusing of all energies in the need to triumph…. or an iron fixation to stand steady … The secret of the will is … tied in with the recognition of the unconquerable nature of goodness and the inevitability of the ultimate triumph of good. [EA, 581/2]
[Will] energy is that which is related to the livingness (through consciousness and form) of humanity; … it concerns the establishing of right human relations and is that condition of being which eventually negates the power of death. … Death and limitation are synonymous terms. …[EA, 614] “It is, therefore, incentive and not impulse; it is realized purpose and not the expression of desire. Desire works from and through the material form upwards; Will works downwards into form, bending form consciously to divine purpose.” [EA, 583/4]
“ARIES is the constellation through which initiating conditions will stream into our solar system. It embodies the will-to-create that which will express the will-to-good.”
Aries is the "birthplace of divine Ideas," whether these ideas are souls brought into incarnation … or whether they are the birth of the ideas of God in the form of the hierarchical plans to which the initiate becomes sensitive. [EA, 102]
“Aries is the sign of beginnings—the beginning of the creative process, the first step of the soul (the microcosm of the already initiated Macrocosm) towards incarnation, the beginning of recurring and constant cycles of experience [reincarnation], the beginning of the period wherein the soul changes its direction, its purpose and its method, and finally enters upon that definitely defined process which we call spiritual regeneration and initiation. [EA, 106]
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Christ in you was born anew during the Winter Solstice Christmas days. The new Mind of Christ in you confers twelve new powers of the Self - inherent in the True Soul. Today we meet the Angel of Aries, the First Petal of the ‘Heart in the Head lotus’ who will stimulate the first of twelve new Christ powers – each a facet in the Glory Body of the One Self.
ATTUNEMENT FOR CONTEMPLATION ◊ Let us come into conscious alignment with the Soul, the Christ in us ◊ Send forth a ray of love to connect with the group as a whole ◊ and “the great potency of the inner groups.” ◊ Light a candle, a living flame of "light" in your mind, to attune with and invite the Angel of Aries to activate the First great petal of light. In this light, we work with one of the following seed thoughts (or one from the text above) to release the latent power of this petal as we Contemplate.
◊ Impress your mind with the Light of Aries—The Light of Life Itself. Keynote: "I come forth and from the plane of Mind I rule".
◊ “The secret of the will lies in the recognition of the divine nature of man” – the Soul or the Christ in us, and our Divine Essence – our True Identity. “Only the Soul can evoke the true expression of the will as it dominates the human mind and controls the personality”. Visualize the Soul taking fuller control of all the lower vehicles and stimulating the living Christ in us – to walk the planes of earth.
◊ [Will] energy is that which is related to the livingness (through consciousness and form) of humanity; … it concerns the establishing of right human relations and is that condition of being which eventually negates the power of death. … Death and limitation are synonymous terms. …[EA, 614]
Meditate upon Will expressing as “livingness” in humanity … establishing right human relations in every walk of life … and conditioning right relations between all kingdoms. Link this to the Will and Purpose of the Father.
Contemplate the Immortal One. Meditate upon the “condition of Being” that negates the power of death … link this condition to the Mayavarupa — the immortal body and body incorruptible.
◊ “It is, therefore, incentive and not impulse; it is realized purpose and not the expression of desire. Desire works from and through the material form upwards; Will works downwards into form, bending form consciously to divine purpose.” [EA, 583/4]
Meditate upon Will energy as “realized purpose” flowing from On High through the Crown and your consciousness “bending form to divine purpose”.
See “realized purpose” informing and infusing all expressions of desire in the personality to this higher octave.
◊ “Christ anchored on Earth “the Will of God in the matrix of love” (as it has been esoterically called)”. CONTEMPLATE.
◊ “The secret of the will is tied in with the recognition of the unconquerable nature of goodness and the inevitability of the ultimate triumph of good”. CONTEMPLATE.
Link this with the Aries petal in the “Heart in the Head lotus”.
Notice what energy is released in you.
◊ Attune to the "new" energies inspired by Aries. Is there something "new" burgeoning (budding) to come forth, from the plane of the ruling, lighted Mind? Is there something "new" you are inspired to initiate? Be open to impression throughout this day.
◊ Impress your mind with the Light of Aries—The Light of Life Itself. Keynote: "I come forth and from the plane of Mind I rule". ◊ Impress and associate the above thoughts with the first petal. Open yourself to intuitive impression. Sound a sacred OM sealing in the new vibration of expanded awareness.
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Closing: In gratitude, let us bless and give Love to the Angel of Aries associated with the first Petal of the ‘Heart in the Head Lotus’. ◊ As we consciously express the 1st petal, allowing it to work in and through us, the group and the world, we are widening the channel of connection and reception, and strengthening the livingness of the New Mind in Christ. The power(s) of this facet of the Self increases and unfolds with every application and true Soul expression. ◊ Bless and Be Blessed.