Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity


The Second LIGHT and Angel of Taurus

Listening to Frequency of God 963 Hz —

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2. Taurus—The penetrating Light of the Path. This is a beam of light, streaming forth from the point in Aries, and revealing the area of light control.          (EA, 328)

Keynote: "I SEE, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined."

“It might be here pointed out that just as the Aquarian Age is coming into manifestation for our planet as a whole, bringing in its wake universal awareness and the new modes of expressing world synthesis, human interests and the world religion, so Humanity - the World Disciple is … coming under the influence of Taurus.”

“The Taurian influence must now be regarded as being of exceeding potency today, particularly from the angle of the subjective spiritual values; it is Taurus which is the ruler and the guiding influence of that which is occurring everywhere.”

This is “the sign of the major life incentive” because Taurus is the symbol of desire in all its phases.  

Whether the [undeveloped] man is impelled by desire, or the Disciple is driven forth upon the path of return by the urge of aspiration, or whether the Initiate is controlled by the Will to cooperate with the Plan, he is nevertheless, being responsive to the most potent manifestation of a little known and understood aspect of Divinity to which we give the name … the Will of God.”

“The great triplicity of desire—aspiration—direction (will) are only three words which endeavor to describe the progress and bias of man the personality, man the soul, and man the channel for spirit or life.  All three point … to the cause of the threefold expression which underlies all events, all progress and all happenings in time and space.” (EA, 371)

“The great question is: will this Taurian influence, increased as it is by the incoming Shamballa forces, produce the floodlight of illumination of which Taurus is the custodian, or will it simply foment desire, increase selfishness and bring humanity to the "fiery heights of self-interest" instead of to the mountain of vision and Initiation?”    (EA, 374/5)

"In the light of Taurus, the Disciple ‘sees into being’ worldwide preparations universally voiced, going forward to better the human condition and to more truly enlighten the whole, thereby subordinating all to the “innate divine urge for beauty, synthesis and the free expression of the hidden mystery which is to be found at the heart of all forms.”  (EA, 372)  REFLECT

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Christ in you was born anew during the Winter Solstice Christmas days.  The new Mind of Christ in you confers twelve new powers of the Self – of the True Soul. Today we meet the Angel of Taurus, the second Petal of the ‘Heart in the Head’ center who stimulates the second of twelve new Christ powers – each a facet in the Glory Body of the One Self.

We shall work with the following Diamond Soul Practices during the Month of Taurus.


ATTUNEMENT FOR CONTEMPLATION ◊ Let us come into conscious alignment with the Soul, the Christ in us. ◊ Send forth a ray of love connecting with the group as a whole ... and “the great potency of the inner groups.” ◊ Light a candle, a living flame of light in your mind, to attune with and invite the Angel of Taurus to stimulate the 2nd great Petal of Light. In this light, we work with one of the following seed thoughts (or from the text above) to release the latent power of this Petal into the personality field as we Contemplate.

◊ Impress your mind with the Light of Taurus —"The Penetrating Light of the Path."   Keynote: “I SEE, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.”   Open yourself to Intuitive Impression.

◊ In the light of Taurus, there is found that “innate divine urge for beauty, synthesis and the free expression of the hidden mystery which is to be found at the heart of all forms.”  Contemplate.   

◊ ‘Seeing with’ and ‘living in’ the light of the Soul - the Heart-Mind of Christ in you, confers Illumination and stimulates Spiritual Vision in your field of awareness.  See an area to be revealed for "light control".  Ask - What do you see?  Observing your life, those closest to you, the groups with which you work or are associated, the life of humanity - we will use ‘this Light’ to see as the "Soul sees" and understands.  We will allow it to “inform” you.

The area revealed for light control is revealed by ‘the living light in you now’.  The area revealed is what must be mastered to move along the path of Mastery.  Is there a block, obstruction or impediment to this light?  Are there desires blocking the light from being revealed more fully through you?  Are there emotions which blur your vision, and which capture and block you from seeing more clearly?  Are you "doing things" (physically, emotionally, mentally) that prevent you from 'being in the Light' and experiencing "the Love which underlies the happenings of the times"?  Use the power of Vision to see obstructions to the light and with this Light of the Soul, see through it thereby dissolving it … opening the floodgates to more Light ... seeing things whole ... through their resolution ... "re-Soul-ution".  As all is re-souled, all is resolved unto a higher state of livingness. 

◊ REFLECT: How am I increasing the Light in me?  What am I expressing that is nurturing and enhancing this Light?  What higher desires (aspirations) and higher emotions [reflecting love, joy, compassion … ] am I expressing, allowing for greater light to flow through me in my daily living?  Reflecting on how this facet of the Self is already operating and expressing in and through you will fan its flame into greater livingness – extending into other areas and to those whom you serve.

◊ “The great question is: will this Taurian influence … produce the floodlight of illumination of which Taurus is the custodian, or will it simply foment unredeemed desire, increase selfishness and bring humanity to the “fiery heights of self-interest” instead of to the mountain of vision and Initiation?” ◊ Look around.  Notice humanity's creations.  Soulfully and mentally reinforce those creations that contain the "floodlight of illumination". ◊ Notice those that do not. Now see a 'higher manifestation' of that desire while directing "illumination" into its center.

There are many creative ways to do this, some of which are practical: make a suggestion to someone - "wouldn't it be great if a portion of these proceeds went to support ..."   "I would love to see you offer several scholarships provided for these classes".  Or, when someone has been turned off by a crystallized religion, offer a higher way to see and be with “spirituality and religion” on a higher turn of the spiral that brings them back into a new relationship with “God”. Offering 'the idea' is another way of giving "a vision" that then ignites a Soul response.  

◊ With the “floodlight of illumination” see an area in the body of humanity that is ‘fomenting desire and selfishness’.  In the power of 'the Mind of Christ’ - the Light Mind of the Soul’, focused in the Ajna Center (forehead), visualize turning a ‘body of desire’ into Soul aspiration … to truth, or something of real 'need'. Direct ‘the desire’ into a greater Good.  Use your power of Vision to direct the Light of Taurus — Spiritual Vision, to where it is needed now, to “see” what must be seen and understood.

Notice, find practical examples of personality desires, of backward ways, limiting or illusory beliefs … sublimated into Soul Desires (for true well-being).  Find, notice, create "simple ways to better the human condition, universally voiced" or expressed. 

An example in the news: a business woman bought rental properties in her area to serve women with young families who could not qualify for credit.  By doing so, she was fulfilling all three levels of desire including the universal as it addressed providing housing, a basic human necessity, for God’s children to live and thrive and reach for higher spiritual potentials. This is not socialism, this is “caring for” the human condition to unfold the Soul in all forms.

◊ Likewise, see where and how the floodlight of illumination is bringing humanity to “the mountain of vision and Initiation”. Through our noticing, our awareness, our focus, our recognition, our vision — we are illumining these “areas” of light control and increasing the floodlight of illumination that will lead to the mountain of vision and ‘initiation into’ greater light and love and life.

◊  We want to ‘live the Teachings’, but first we have to recognize and know what the Teachings are. “The great triplicity of desire—aspiration—direction (will) are only three words which endeavor to describe the progress and bias of man the personality, man the soul, and man the channel for spirit or life.  All three point … to the cause of the threefold expression which underlies all events, all progress and all happenings in time and space.” (EA, 371) 

Let us consider "the threefold expression which underlies all events" (personal, group and world) through the three lenses  or "biases" which condition our perspective as a personality, as a soul, as a spiritual being who is no longer pulled by the conditions of the world but is serving to function as a channel for the Will of God.  As you see life through this “lens”, you will be enabled to stand free from it whilst in it, as a “channel”.

Contemplate the "Cause" — the Soul response, the soul Pattern, the Soul purpose behind the expressions underlying events, progress and happenings in the world of time and space. Initiate a deeper cause.   

◊ Again, impress your mind with the Light of Taurus —"The Penetrating Light of the Path."   Keynote: “I SEE, and when the eye is opened, all is illumined.”  ◊ Impress and associate the above Diamond Soul Practices and seed thoughts with the energy of the Second Petal.  Sound a sacred OM sealing-in the new vibration and awareness.

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CLOSING: In gratitude, let us bless and give Love to the Angelic Intelligence of Taurus associated with the second Petal of the ‘Heart in the Head Lotus’ ◊ As we consciously live in and express the energy of the 2nd petal, allowing it to work in and through us … the groups and the world, we are widening the channel of connection and reception, and strengthening the livingness of the New Mind in Christ. The power(s) of this facet of the Self increases and unfolds with every application and true expression ◊ Bless and Be Blessed !

Edited 5/5/2024

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