“It is the Christ life in all forms which constitutes the evolutionary urge. It is the Christ life which makes the steadily unfolding expression of divinity possible in the natural world. It is deep within the heart of every man. The Christ life brings him eventually to the point where he transits out of the human kingdom (when the work of normal evolution has done its part) and leads him into the kingdom of spirit. The recognition of the Christ life within the form of man makes every human being, at some time, play the part of the Virgin Mary to that indwelling reality. It is the Christ life which, at the new birth, comes to fuller expression, and from crisis to crisis leads on the developing son of God until he stands perfected, having achieved "the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph, 4, 13)". (FBTC, 162/3)
Images bring us into Sacred Space - Sacred Time ∞ invoking the hidden inner Divinity ∞ evoking the Sacred life of the Heart. OM
Solar Eclipse of 2017
In the Daily Rituals of Sanat Kumara ...
(the Lord of the World)
~Is the Beauty of the One Life ~
There is so much beauty to see wherever we look...it lies behind and within the many forms being revealed and transformed all around. As Mother Gaia is casting off her mantle of old, and humanity is awakening from her ancient sleep, the New World is emerging like a butterfly from the cocoon.
Allow your sixth sense of your ‘Intuitive Being’ to see the new Light, to hear the new Sound, and to witness the birth of the Divine in All.
The Soul of the World is Rising and will not be denied.
Even as the furies of the elements are continuing their cleansing work, forcing us to pay attention and work together to heal and mend, certain lofty Beings are descending in their ‘Golden White Vestments’ from the Sun, the Heart of our Solar System, imbuing and casting their Light into every living form during this period of Sacred Opportunity for entering more deeply...
Into the Silence of the Temple of our Heart.
Love is the Keynote of the Saving Grace...Oneness with all Life is our Destiny.
(Above message from Troi Leonard)
"Verily I say unto thee, inasmuch as thou hast done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, thou hast done it unto me."
"We shall see later that upon the revelation of the risen Christ must the new world religion take its stand. Christ upon the Cross, as will appear when we study the next great crisis, showed us love and sacrifice carried to their extreme expression; but Christ alive from all time, and vitally alive today, is the keynote of the new age, and upon this truth must the new presentation of religion be built and, later, the new theology be constructed. The true meaning of the Resurrection and the Ascension has not yet been grasped; as a divine subjective reality those truths still await revelation. The glory of the new age will be the unveiling of those two mysteries, and our entrance into a fuller understanding of God as life. The true Church of Christ is the assembly of all who live through the life of Christ, and whose life is one with His. This will be increasingly realised and will bring forth into clearer and more radiant light the wonder and glory which lies, unrevealed as yet, in God the Father." (FBTC, 162/3)