Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity




Eternal Spirit

Great Spirit, Great White Spirit

The Spiritual Power behind and within the Sun

The Great King – Sanat Kumara (SK) – Lord of the World

Great Being Who is the Planetary Logos - The Planetary God Who is greater than SK

The Monad, the Monadic Self

The Great Light, Love and Power

The Sun God

Sol Invictus Universalis


The Spiritual Hierarchy – The Occult (Esoteric) Hierarchy

The Church Invisible

The Church Visible and Triumphant

The Hierarchy of spiritual and liberated souls, the Church of God invisible

The Kingdom of God

The Great White Lodge on Sirius

Society of Illumined Minds

Spiritual Hierarchy

The Blessed Ones


The Masters of Love-Wisdom


The Adepts

Brothers of the Sun

Brothers of White Magic

Brothers of the White Lodge

Cloud of Witnesses

Disciples of the Christ

The Great Ones

Guides of the Race



Sons of God

Teachers of the Race

Transcendent Lights

Shining Ones

White Brother(s)

White Magician(s)






TCF, 1011

The "Eye of Shiva," when perfected, is blue in colour, and as our solar Logos is the "Blue Logos" so do His children occultly resemble Him; but this colour must be interpreted esoterically.  It must be remembered also that prior to the final two Initiations (the sixth and seventh), the eye of the white magician, when developed, will be coloured according to the man's ray—again esoterically understood.  More anent this question of colour may not be communicated.  According to the colour, so will be the type of energy manipulated, but here it must be borne in mind that all magicians work with three types of energy:


a. That which is the same as their own Ray,

b. That which is complementary to their own type of force,

c. Their polar opposite,


and they work, therefore, either along the line of least resistance, or through attraction, and repulsion.


It is through the medium of this "all-seeing eye" that the Adept can at any moment put Himself in touch with His disciples anywhere; that He can communicate with His compeers on the planet, on the polar opposite of our planet, and on the third planet which, with ours, forms a triangle; that He can, through the energy directed from it, control and direct the builders, and hold any thought form He may have created within His sphere of influence, and upon its intended path of service; and that through his eye by means of directed energy currents He can help and stimulate His disciples or groups of men in any place at any time.       [Page 1012]



♥ Brothers of the Sun


TCF, 996  "The Brothers of the Sun, through the force of solar fire, fanned to a flame in the blazing vault of the second Heaven, put out the lower lunar fires, and render naught that lower 'fire by friction.'



♥ Brothers of White Magic


TCF, 982

We have considered somewhat at length the building of thought forms, and have seen that the process pursued by man is analogous to that pursued by the threefold Logos in the creation of the solar system.  We are to deal now with that great department in occultism which is usually termed magic.  The man who masters the esoteric significance of what is here said will take his place in the ranks of those entitled to call themselves the "Brothers of White Magic."  The subject is too immense to be more than briefly touched upon, for it covers [Page 983] the entire range of endeavour in the field of material construction.


♥ Brothers of the White Lodge


TCF: 987

The white magician works always in co-operation with others, and is himself under the direction of certain group Heads.  For instance, the Brothers of the White Lodge work under the three great Lords and conform to the plans laid down, subordinating Their individual purposes and ideas to the great general scheme.  The black magician usually works in an intensely individualistic way, and can be seen carrying out his schemes alone, or with the aid of subordinates.  He brooks usually no known superior, but is nevertheless frequently the victim of agents on higher levels of cosmic evil, who use him as he uses his inferior co-operators, that is, he works (as far as the bigger purpose is involved) blindly and unconsciously.



TCF, 988 

The white brother works under the Hierarchy, or under the great King, carrying out His planetary purposes. [Page 989] The dark brother works under certain separated Entities, unknown to him, who are connected with the forces of matter itself.  Much more could be given in this connection, but what is here imparted suffices for our purpose.





♥ Cloud of Witnesses, Disciples of the Christ


TWM, 529, “… finds himself part of the centre of light and understanding which we call, esoterically, the occult hierarchy, the cloud of witnesses, the disciples of the Christ, and other names according to the trend of the disciple's convictions.”






TWM, xvi

Externalization of the Hierarchy (EXT), 144


Stanza I of the GI

“Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to all mankind.

Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.

May men of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.

May forgiveness on the part of all men be the keynote at this time.

Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.

So let it be and help us to do our part.


EH, 64

 “Group One can telepathically influence leading people and speak to their minds so that they may be impressed with the need which has been described by one of the Great Ones as "the loving salvage of the world." They must be led to realise that their policies must be determined by world good. The success that the group had in helping ... indicated their ability to be constructively useful.


EH, 156

2. Endeavour to realise or register your relation to the Hierarchy, via your own group of disciples (if you know which it is) or in relation to whichever one of the Great Ones or Masters appeals the most to your heart and mind. If neither makes any appeal to your consciousness, the same results will be achieved if you seek to link up with the Christ.


TCF, 759

The Master Jesus will take a physical vehicle, and with certain of His chelas effect a re-spiritualisation of the Catholic churches, breaking down the barrier separating the Episcopal and Greek churches from the Roman.  This may be looked for, should plans progress as hoped, about the year 1980.  The Master Hilarion [formerly St. Paul] will also come forth, and become a focal point of buddhic energy in the vast spiritualistic movement, whilst another Master is working with the Christian Science endeavour in an effort to swing it on to sounder lines.  It is interesting to note that those movements which have laid the emphasis so strongly on the heart or love aspect, may respond more rapidly to the inflow of force at the Coming than other movements which consider themselves very advanced.  The "mind may slay" the recognition of the Real, and hatred between brothers swing the tide of love-force away.  The three Masters so closely allied with the theosophical movement are already making Their preparations, and will also move among men, recognised by Their Own and by those who have eyes to see.  To those of Their chelas on earth who undergo the necessary discipline, opportunity will be offered to work on the astral plane and, should they so choose, an immediate incarnation, provided they have achieved continuity of consciousness.  He Who is known as D. K. is planning to restore—via His students—some of the old and occult methods of healing and to demonstrate:


a. The place of the etheric body.

b. The effect of pranic force.

c. The opening up of etheric vision.

It is not permissible to say more in connection with the plans of the Great Ones.  Their appearing will not be simultaneous in time, for the people could not stand the tremendously increased inflow of force, and recognition of Them and of Their methods will depend upon the intuition, [Page 760] and the training of the inner senses.  They come with no herald, and only Their works will proclaim Them.


TWM, 134

Fourth:  It should be noted that even the Great Ones Themselves have to lay Their plans largely allowing for the lack of perception of those on the physical plane through whom They have to work.  They are handicapped and dependent upon Their physical plane instruments and Their main trouble concerns the point of evolution reached by the mass of men in the Occident.


EH, 316

The joy of the divine Self is my strength.

The power of the spirit of man shall triumph.

The Forces of Light do control the forces of evil.

The work of the Great Ones must go on.

The Coming One is on the way. The Avatar approaches.

For this we must prepare.


DNA-II, 362

“In peace and understanding go your way to the Feet of the Great Ones.”



TCF, 948/9

One of the greatest impediments upon the Path of Return and one for which man is distinctly responsible within occult limits are those animated forms which he has produced ever since the middle of the Atlantean root race when the mind factor began slowly to assume increasing importance.  The selfishness, the sordid motives, the prompt response to evil impulses for which the human race has been distinguished has brought about a condition of affairs unparalleled in the system.  A gigantic thought form hovers over the entire human family, built by men everywhere during the ages, energised by the insane desires and evil inclinations of all that is worst in man's nature, and kept alive by the promptings of his lower desires.  This thought form has to be broken up and dissipated by man himself during the latter part of this round before the conclusion of the cycle, and its dissipation will be one of the forces tending to the production of interplanetary pralaya.  It is this piece of creative bungling, if so it might be called, which the Great Ones are occupied in destroying.  Under the Law of Karma it has to be dissipated by those who have created it; the work of the Masters has to be carried on, therefore, indirectly, and must take the form of illuminating the sons of men in gradually increasing degree, so that they can see clearly this "Dweller on the Threshold" of the new life, and the antagonist who stands between the fourth kingdom of nature and the fifth.  Every time a son of man stands upon the Probationary Path [Page 949] Their work is facilitated, for it means that one small stream of life-energy is directed into new channels, and away from the old stream, which tends to vitalise and feed the evil form, and one more conscious assailant can be trained to co-operate in the work of destruction.  Every time an initiate is admitted to the Lodge degrees, it means that a new and powerful agent is available for the bringing down of force from higher levels to aid in the work of disintegration.  In the comprehension of these two methods of aggressive work (that of the aspirant and the initiate) will come much of vital interest to the careful student of analogy.  Here lies the clue to the present problem of evil, and to the vitality of the hold which the matter aspect has on the spiritual.  This gigantic thought form, the product of man's ignorance and selfishness, is kept alive and vitalised in three ways:

These three factors are the main ones to be considered by the Great Ones in Their work of enabling men to break loose from the influence of this self-imposed form, to destroy that which they have themselves constructed, and to shake themselves free from the illusion cast by the persistent vampire which they have nourished and strengthened for millennia of years.


TCF, 935/6

“The substance of the highest physical form of a human being is therefore atomic.  The Master's physical body is made of atomic matter, and when He wishes to materialize it on the dense physical plane, He forms a sheath of gaseous substance upon that atomic matter, perfect in its delineation of all the known physical traits.  The substance of the highest form of animal body is that of the second ether, and herein is to be found a clue as to the relation between all sea and watery forms to the animal.  The highest form of body possible for the vegetable form of life is that of the third ether.  These facts will be demonstrated in the seventh round when the present three kingdoms of nature—the human, the animal, and the vegetable will objectively exist in etheric matter; that will be for them their densest manifestation.  The mineral kingdom will find its highest manifestation in matter of the fourth ether, and this transmutation is already taking place, for all the radioactive substances now being discovered are literally becoming matter of the fourth ether.  The mineral kingdom is relatively nearing its possible manvantaric perfection, and by the time the seventh round is reached all mineral lives (not forms) [Page 936] will have been transferred to another planet.  This will not be so with the other three kingdoms.”



♥  The Guides of the race

TCF, 969



♥  The Great White Lodge


TWM, 135

Another point that has to be remembered is that the problem to be solved by all who are seeking to co-operate with the Great White Lodge has four objects in view.



♥  Society of Illumined Minds



♥  Transcendent Lights


TWM, 537, “When the factor of spiritual illumination enters into that service, you have those transcendent Lights which have illumined the way of humanity and have acted like search-lights, thrown out into the great ocean of consciousness, revealing to man the Path he can and must go.”




Miscellaneous references from related teachings


♥  Post graduate humans – (Donald Keyes)


♥  “Those Who implement the divine will and are the engineers of humanity’s future.”  ROC, 67


♥  “ Knowers” – “There are those today on Earth who know that through the instrumentality, the inspiration and the instruction of those sons of men who have wrought out their divinity in the crucible of daily human living, the Kingdom of God will come into being; these Knowers now work actively under the direct impression of the Christ, in leading humanity from darkness to light and from death to immortality.”  ROC, 65/6





Meditation for the Coming One


Suggested Meditation


Each morning, prior to starting the day's activities, achieve an inner quiet, see the Self as the soul, place your self at the disposition of the soul, of humanity and of your group.


1. Then say silently and with full dynamic intent:

At the centre of all love I stand; from that centre, I the soul will outward move; from that centre, I the one who serves will work. May the love of the divine Self be shed abroad in my heart, through my group and throughout the world.


2. Then, focussing your attention and dedication, see the group to which you belong as a great centre of love and light, irradiating the world of men, bringing relief, light, love and healing in increasing measure.


3. Brood then upon the plan to be carried out and upon the indicated service for the coming day. Do this as the [Page 316] soul, keeping the personal lower self in a waiting attitude, like a servant attentive for instruction.


4. Then say:

The joy of the divine Self is my strength.

The power of the spirit of man shall triumph.

The Forces of Light do control the forces of evil.

The work of the Great Ones must go on.

The Coming One is on the way. The Avatar approaches.

For this we must prepare.


5. Close with a minute of dynamic quiet.


(I will ask you to do this meditation every day (until January 1st, 1942) when I will give you another step in this Meditation of Preparation for the Coming One. Its aim is to prepare all of you interiorly. I would ask you also to read and re-read the instruction I gave you on Avatars. (pp. 285-313.)


You will constitute the initial group which I am asking to collaborate with me in the reconstruction work of the New Age. As time goes on, subsidiary groups will be indicated who can work in the various countries as focal points in the great network of light which is forming everywhere under the inspiration of the world disciples and aspirants in every land, as they work under instruction of the Hierarchy. Some of them are known to you. Many of them are not known to any of you. But they represent the working groups of all the Masters, and upon their shoulders rests the work of reconstruction, aided by the thousands and thousands of men and women of goodwill in every land.)


From the book: Rays and Initiations, 150 – In reference to Rule VIII:

1. The seven greater groups...The seven groups or Ashrams within the Hierarchy.


These carry out the hierarchical will, which is love.

They work through love and understanding.

Each is presided over by a Chohan and a group is called an Ashram.

These major Ashrams have many affiliated Ashrams, presided over by a Master on the same ray as the Chohan, and are capable at any moment of being absorbed into the primary Ashram.

The perfect or complete group is the Hierarchy itself, containing all the seven major Ashrams and their affiliates.

2. The Planetary seven groups...the seven rays, the central septenate of energy.


These embody the will of Shamballa, which is divine purpose.

They work as life energy, as quality, and produce appearance.

Each is presided over by one of the seven Spirits before the Throne; by one of the seven Ray Lords.

Each of these rays has its seven subrays which relate it to all the other rays.

These seven rays can, under divine purpose, be re-absorbed into the Three and then into the One.

3. The lesser seven...the seven types of men and also the seven root races.


These embody the intelligence of the Logos as it expresses itself through creativity.

They are learning to work intelligently with matter in order to develop love in response to divine purpose—which is will or life.

Each of the seven types, responsive to one or [Page 151] other of the seven rays, is conditioned or ruled by its prototype, the soul on its own plane.

These major types or races of men have many subraces and subsidiary types, developed during the evolutionary process; all will eventually demonstrate the seven major types.

The perfect type is the Christ, the Heavenly Man, Who expresses all the major types and Who is the "pattern of things as they are."




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