The heavenly man tURNs THE ZODIACAL WHEEL
As we move from one Sign to the next, the Light and Life informing every Sign creates a new field of awareness, of focus and activity offering the unique qualities and specific “gifts” of the Sign. This becomes increasingly apparent to us, making our work esoterically meaningful and practically useful as we attempt to comprehend, make use of and participate in the affairs of humanity (in our arenas of interest). As Souls in Group Approach to Divinity, we serve as channels of expression for the living, giving potencies of greater Beings than ourselves for the evolution of the life upon Earth.
“Scorpio—The Light of Day. This is the place where three lights meet—the light of form, the light of the soul, and the light of life. They meet; they blend; they rise.” (EA, 208)
Keynote: After testing, trials and triumph, the Word of the Soul is “Warrior am I and from the Battle I emerge Triumphant.”
"The entire "vault of heaven" is the phenomenal appearance of that entity."
"The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity". It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals". (Esoteric Astrology, 7/8)
“The heavens, the constellations, signs and planets mean one thing to the Hierarchy and another thing to the astronomers and still another thing to the astrologers, whilst they are simply bewildering galaxies of light to the average citizen. I feel the need to remind you of this and to point out to you that astronomical facts are only relative as regards the true and factual nature of that about which scientific pronouncement is made; they are declarative of life and potency but not as science and the average man understand them. From the standpoint of esoteric truth, they are simply embodied Lives and the expression of the life, the quality, the purpose and the intent of the Beings Who have brought them into manifestation.” (EA, 257)
“The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalization must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate (for each sign) this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light”.
“This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.” ... "A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos." (EA, 328/9)
“In Scorpio, the man who has mastered his lessons in Taurus [Taurus and Scorpio are in relationship as polar opposites] must demonstrate that creativity which will work under the inspiration of aspiration and vision and constructively attempt to express the beauty which all forms intrinsically veil, thus bringing to all, revelation of that underlying purpose which motivates all events and forms.” (EA, 388)
The great Zodiacal Being Who ensouls all twelve constellations is ONE LIFE energy, twelve-faceted in nature — a Being of such stupendous magnitude that it is far beyond the ken of even the most expanded comprehension and heightened awareness of the enlightened Ones. Yet, knowing this Being exists — a great “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” serves to expand the consciousness — the mind and heart and Truth of all who ponder IT, removing the veils between us. Knowing SUCH A ONE is streaming and pouring Itself through the Being of our Sun —the Heart of the Solar Christ—“the Son of Divine Love”, through the Solar System and all the planets including our Earth, and through the major spiritual Centers of the Earth including the Soul life of Humanity, we come closer to knowing the true Being of Wholeness. As Souls awakening more fully through form, the One Soul of Humanity’s progress is hastened, coming closer to fulfilling our part in the Plan of God.
UTC 21:28; Pacific 1:28 pm; Eastern 4:28 pm; GMT/London 9:28 pm; Sydney ADT Nov 16 - 8:28 am
For the exact Full Moon moment in most major cities, copy and paste this link into your browser: https://www.moongiant.com/moonphases/November/2024/
DAY ONE of the Solar SCORPIO 7-Day Full Moon process begins Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Participants in the South Pacific are typically one calendar later than the northern hemisphere for the 7-Day Full Moon process.
To determine DAY ONE of the 7-Day Ritual Observance in your time zone: Find the day of the week of Full Moon Day in your time zone region, count back three (3) days to begin DAY ONE. For example, if Friday is Full Moon Day in your time zone, then counting back three days would make Tuesday your Day One; Day 4 is Full Moon Day, and Days Five, Six and Seven are the three days of energy Distribution that follow.
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NOTE: If you are new to the 7-Day Full Moon group rituals in “Esoteric Advent”, this is a self-disciplined but guided process. To participate, come to this website daily, scroll to below the image of the 7 moon phases and click on the appropriate day (for a daily uploaded PDF file).
With practice, the meditations will become deeper, fuller, richer and more potent. Attuning with the energy of the constellation with the Group Soul, the Soul Star Group, is key to the potency of our group work (the Spiritual Hierarchy works through groups) and for a full and rich experience.
The Meditations, Contemplations, and Diamond Soul Practices are greatly enhanced when accompanied by the meditation music of Harold Moses. The “notes” presented here correspond with the constellations and ray energies esoterically understood (to the best of our current knowledge).
CLICK HERE for PDF of Letter of Invitation for Scorpio 2024 or to share with others.
If you are new to Esoteric Advent and want to receive monthly and seasonal Invitations to participate, write EsotericAdvent1@gmail.com to be placed on the Master list. Or, go directly to the website tab titled RSVP/Register and fill out the RSVP form.
The body of work known as Esoteric Advent (under the umbrella name of Sol Invictus Universalis) has its founding impulse from “on High” through an unexpected contact in meditation, to create a living ritual for esoteric students and spiritual companions to come and be together for a spiritual deepening process during the Christmas Advent season. A deeper truth was then revealed, corroborated in a page from the Master DK’s writings, that a more encompassing “esoteric advent” was in preparation referenced in the Book “Externalization of the Hierarchy” by Beings of greater Light and Consciousness Who having surpassed the human stage of evolution and achieving high spiritual standing would appear on Earth and “Prepare the Way” for a still greater Light and Life — The Christ, Their Master and Teacher. The appearance of Christ on Earth is imminent. Once Humanity demonstrates sufficient progress on behalf of world Good, builds right human relations between all nations, and makes decisions to help one another, a unified trajectory can then be made. Only then could the Christ walk openly once again among humanity and set in motion new teachings, directives and streams for the advancement of new Life on Earth.
While “esoteric advent” is hidden from view from the vast majority, it is real and known by those who have studied the deeper Teachings of MDK, and by those who are sufficiently sensitive to intuit these facts. All who are “preparing the way” for the footsteps of the Christ to walk openly once again among humanity, His Disciples of the Spiritual Hierarchy preceding Him, are participating in an Esoteric Advent in the broader sense of the term. We walk the Way together.
A parallel way to speak about this is to say ‘Esoteric Advent’ is the Advent of the Soul for each and every rising Soul in Humanity. The advent of the Soul of Humanity is flowering and “coming forth”. The Advent of the Christ — the Coming of the Lord of Love — and His closest Disciples known as the spiritual Hierarchy, is a specific event in the long history of Humanity. The Christ stands ever in the Center making His Way toward Humanity as Humanity makes its way toward Him. Such is the destined Plan for the two to become One in the Heart of God.
For this event, the world, and the Soul of Humanity waits. In the meantime, “We Prepare the Way”.
Bless and Be Blessed
A Path of Approach to the Kingdom of Souls
“Hold to your established links and with your ‘brothers’ / ‘sisters’ walk. Walk as a group upon the Lighted Way. The chain of Hierarchy firmly stands.” (DNA-II, 627)
Participating in the Solar Full Moon Rituals of group approach to Divinity, we train ourselves to live in the Joy of the Soul and strengthen our identify as the True Soul, a Solar Identity, at increasingly higher levels of vibrational Reality. Through Rituals in group approach to Divinity, we serve the Soul of Humanity to come into closer rapport and resonance with the Ashram of the Christ and Spiritual Hierarchy in Whose Center He stands as the Aquarian Christ — World Teacher and World Savior. As we consciously and rhythmically participate in planetary invocation and evocation in alignment with the Great Ones, we join Them in the Great Work of spiritually lifting, redeeming and "saving" the life and lives of planet Earth in fulfillment of the Plan of God ~ and thus we serve, preparing the Way for the Great Approach. This is joyful striving.
In the following daily alignments and meditations, there is much teaching and training value in how the meditations have been written and constructed. Hold these meditations lightly, in the “Light of your Soul”; in the final analysis, they are a ‘form’ and as is true of all forms, they can be adapted or essentialized once they are learned, following the sequence and retaining the major elements for full power and effectiveness. And yet there is something to be said for staying with a 'living ritual form' that continues building in strength and purpose with group use and practice.
During the meditation alignments, Be Aware of what is happening rather than attempting to make something happen. Nothing needs to happen. Following the form whilst simultaneously letting go will allow for the necessary 'flow-through' of higher energies, for genuine Angelic contact and contact with the Great Ones who seek to make Their Guiding influence felt and known.
Every full moon period has three phases in Group Approach: I - Preparation; II - Contact, Registration and Absorption and; III - Distribution. To read more about the Full Moon Ritual of Group Approach to Divinity, go to the Supplemental Reading tab to learn more.
NEW EDITING IS IN PROCESS daily. Daily uploads are accessed by clicking on the word CLICK HERE in the gray shaded areas below. If you would like to listen to the music while reading the rituals, Right-Click the shaded area and select “Open link in New Tab”. This will open a new page and also keep this page open. You can then play music on this page while reading the text and doing the practices in the PDF that opens. MUSIC OPENS THE HEART-MIND to more easily carry us through the Portal.
NOTE: An updated version of each Day is often uploaded later in the Day (named V2 or V3) with refinements, corrections or inspired new content.
Please note that the Diamond Soul practices and content created for these Days can be revisited numerous times throughout the remainder of the month if time is short to do them all in one sitting. Also please keep in mind that during this period of seven days, the meditations are the most important aspect of our group work.
The Law of Repulse - CLICK HERE CLICK HERE
Some among us have gone through the above practices and training presented here annually (in Days 1-3 and 5-7) many times before, confirming the great value of repetition for bearing new fruit as deeper layers of the personality are plumbed and raised into the light for purification, release and transcendence. And now, we have “The Law of Repulse” providing a broader and deeper study and application of the 9 Hydras of the personality that we’ve painstakingly considered, in order to transcend them for a fuller identification “as the Soul.” The Law of Repulse, as part of the Seven Laws of Soul or Group Life, offers a broader, more comprehensive understanding, and expansion of methods for “freeing the soul from the world of form.” An excerpt:
“The word "repulse" has an unfortunate connotation in many minds, and this revulsion against the word itself indicates man's innately spiritual bias. Repulsion, the desire to repudiate, and repulsive attitudes, words and deeds evoke in our minds all that is unpleasant to contemplate. Yet, spiritually considered and scientifically viewed, the word "repulse" indicates simply "an attitude towards that which is not desirable." This, in its turn (as we seek to determine that which is desirable) calls into activity the virtues of discrimination, dispassion and discipline in the disciple's life, as well as the power to *decentralize. These words indicate the urge to devaluate the unreal and the undesirable, to discipline the lower nature till those choices are readily and easily made which lead to the discarding of that which imprisons or impedes the soul. The major concepts are the definitely and carefully chosen way or procedure which will free the soul from the world of forms and identify it, first of all, with itself (thus freeing it from the world illusion), and then with the world of souls, which is the consciousness of the Oversoul.” —(Esoteric Psychology-II, 147-174) [to *decentralize is to take our eyes off the temporary illusions of the little self and shift our identity to that which is lasting, immortal and Real — and to serve a greater Good].
GO TO DAY FOUR - FULL MOON DAY - ‘2024 SCORPIO FULL MOON DAY’ or Click Here: https://www.esotericadvent.org/2024-scorpio-full-moon-day
(By Doug Wells: FM Scorpio - Visualization in The Labors of Hercules — CLICK HERE)
Additional Optional Reading:
ACIM Lesson 97: I AM SPIRIT — CLICK HERE; A spiritual practice of Identification beyond limitation
The Seven Aspects of Scorpio by E. Savoini, “The Solar System in Space”, 1993 (translated from Italian)— TPS — CLICK HERE for pdf
NEW BOOK: KARMA - A Yogi’s Guide to Crafting Your Destiny by Sadhguru. This book describes the hydras, thereby helping us understand how we generate karma and how to undo it.
DAY SIX — CLICK HERE Day 6-V2, 2024
DAY SEVEN — Scroll down below to experience the meditation, practices and music. No PDF is provided today.
In Service of the Christ and the Great Ones for the Full Flowering of the Soul of Humanity and the Plan
THROUGH SIRIUS, “the cosmic Christ works upon the Christ principle in the solar system, in the planet, in man and in the lower forms of life expression. …" (EA 197)
◊ Standing in the Beauty of the Cosmos, whilst upon the Earth, we move into that inner Space and Place where the Great Breath is Breathing us. OM ◊ Remembering “the Breath is the Life” pouring through all the centers, we breathe in “the breath of Life” of Sirius, Scorpio/Taurus pouring through “the Heart of the Sun”, Shambhala, the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Lord of Love, the Christ to and through the Soul of Humanity and all of natures Kingdoms. OM
◊ With “intense spiritual aspiration”, reaching high within the Triune Soul-Self, we breathe in pure atoms of Light, Love and Life. Through conscious rhythmic in-breaths and out-breaths, we sound forth the sacred WORD, OM, loosening and discarding atoms of lower vibration, opening the door to purer vibratory atoms from the higher planes of the Soul … OM. On an outbreath, the energies pour through all the Centers (each absorbing what is needed), thence continuing its outflow through the small centers in the feet “Blessing the Earth Upon Which We Walk”. ◊ With the next rising in-breath the energy returns Home whence it came, to the Crown, as a great continuous fountain of circulating Sirius—Scorpio/Taurus Life energy. OM
MUSIC - repeat Luminosity
◊ Attune now and welcome the Angels – the Solar Angel and Angel of Scorpio governing the 8th petal, inviting them to guide our inner process in CREATIVE interplay … sounding a silent OM … and flowing through the Group Soul.
◊ Let us consciously enter the field of the Soul Star … and the greater GROUP of Groups — as the Lord of Love, the Christ, radiates a mighty stream of Light and Love from that Center. OM
◊ As we vibrate in resonance with the Greater Group … Light, Love and Life raying forth from every central Heart, we stand in the “field of Being”. OM
Sensing the livingness of the Soul Star Group and all Groups gathered during this sacred time — we are One beating Heart pulsing in the Heart of the Christ.
◊ Let us now visualize (intuit, sense or imagine) the pulsing life of all participating Soul Groups on the inner planes who are “holding the field" with the Lord of the World, the Christ and spiritual Hierarchy, for the outworking of the Plan of God through the heart-mind of Humanity – May the Light of the World sweep clean all that is not of the Light. Turned towards the field of service, “for the sake of the Soul of Humanity” may we inspire and support “the workers and the work” to bring into form the ‘new world’ for the Triumph of the Plan.
In this higher Light, we revolve to face the world in response to the call of Love — and thus we stand, thus we serve, thus we move forward into the Light …
◊ Let us Be affirmed in the “joy of participation in the Masters' plans” knowing “all is well that associates you closely with Them.” (TWM, 368/9) ~ Let us Sound the Great Invocation or Mantram of your choice ~
The opposite signs in every full moon period give their “Gifts” one to the other, generating enormous power during every solar full moon period. The deepest source of this power stems from the life and love energy flowing from Sirius, and the triangle created with the Sun.
Scorpio - The Triumphant Disciple
Taurus - The Illumined Disciple
Conscious Disciples aligned with the energies flowing through the great centers of the Planet (Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity) can invoke and draw upon them at will — with which to serve, create and express.
“In Scorpio, the man who has mastered his lessons in Taurus must demonstrate that creativity which will work under the inspiration of aspiration and vision and constructively attempt to express the beauty which all forms intrinsically veil, thus bringing to all, revelation of that underlying purpose which motivates all events and forms.” (EA, 388)
CONTEMPLATE the hints embedded in this paragraph that lead to the expression and revelation of beauty.
Consider BEAUTY and its expression as a major purpose “motivat[ing] all events and forms” ... the revelation which ‘sings in perfecting vibratory expressions’ — lifting all unto a higher state of Being.
“Energies and forces are pouring upon our solar system and our planetary lives ceaselessly, potently and cyclically. … Scorpio is the great constellation which influences the turning point both in the life of humanity and the life of the individual human being. For the first time in the history of both mankind and disciples, the energy of Sirius … evokes a response.” (EA, 198)
Do you hear the Soul of Humanity? In the midst of the pain, sorrow and conflict, the Soul of Humanity stirs, calling all Souls.
Scorpio is that part of the path where the “Word is made Flesh” — where the Soul dominates exercising control over its form, eventuating as the Triumphant Disciple.
◊ As triumphant Disciples participating in the betterment of humanity, we tune into the Soul of Humanity.
Let us intuit, visualize or imagine Humanity in the Light of Day—"the Light of form, the Light of the Soul and the Light of Life, meeting, blending, and rising”.
◊ What Triumphs do we sense coming? What is the world we would want to live in?
For this to come about, Humanity must put tests on trial.
The Soul of Humanity puts on trial – for all to see in the Light. What tests is the Soul of Humanity raising into our collective awareness to put on trial for eventual triumph?
What is calling to be raised in the light of Day? … What must be brought into harmony, out of conflict?
When we ask such questions, we move the life force (our energy) out of complaint, out of what is not working, out of conflict, into creativity that is constructive. We move into constructively building a life, or a world, we want to live in.
THOUGHTS TO PONDER FROM “EXTERNALIZATION OF THE HIERARCHY” By the Tibetan Master given through Alice A Bailey (p. 240).
“What shall be done to stop the progress of aggression, of selfish nationalism and cruel attack upon the weak and the defenseless? …
“A new world order is possible, and there are certain steps which need to be taken if the vision of this new world is to enter into the realm of accomplished fact. Certain angles of the vision I can—with the greatest brevity—point out to you; I can indicate the sign posts on the way to the future. …”
“First, I would ask you all to ponder the vision of this new world order, preserving an open mind and realizing that this new mode of living hovers over humanity and will materialize when selfishness is defeated, right human relations are correctly envisaged, and the ideal of this new world order is divorced from all nationalistic concepts and aspirations. It will not be an American world, or a French world, or a British world, or a totalitarian world. It will be the outcome of the civilization which is passing and the culture which is the flower of that civilization, but at the same time it will be neither of them. It will be a human world, based on right understanding of correct human relations, upon the recognition of equal educational opportunities for all men, for all races and all nations, and upon the fundamental realization that "God hath made of one blood all the peoples upon the earth." It will be a world in which racial distinctions and national unities will be recognized as enriching the whole and as contributing to the significance of humanity. Such distinctions and nationalities will be preserved and cultured, not in a separative isolation, but in the realization that the many aspects of human unfoldment and differentiation produce one noble [Page 242] whole, and that all the parts of this whole are interdependent. All will comprehend their relation to each other in one progressive, synthetic, human endeavour, and the enterprise of united living will produce an interior work which will flower forth in the production of a beauty and a richness which will distinguish humanity as a whole. In this all will share, with wisdom and a planned efficiency, offering to the planetary life and to each other that which they have to contribute. This will be made possible because the whole of mankind will be recognised as the essential unit and as being of greater spiritual importance than the part.”
“This is no idle and visionary dream. It is already happening. Embryonic movements toward this world synthesis are already being made. There is a dream of federation, of economic interdependence and of religious unity, plus social and national interrelation which is rapidly taking form, first in the minds of men, and then in experiments. There is a tie of united purpose, felt by many in the political and economic fields, which is no wish fulfilment or fantasy but indicative of an emerging reality.”
It has been eighty years since the above words were written. We’ve made some progress in this direction. Let us look at what visions and objectives would signify TRIUMPHS for the coming new world civilization through the process of “TEST, TRIAL and TRIUMPH” for Humanity. We begin with the end in mind – Triumph:
Triumph for Peace: Peace is the rule of the Day and war is outmoded. What is the test to put on trial? The forces of nationalism and separation that lead to continued weapons development, arms race spending and physical plane wars between countries are overcome under cooperation with the jurisdiction of the UN Charter.
Triumph for Human Rights: The UN Declaration of Human Rights is lived by all countries for the benefit of all people; Human Rights and the Rights of Nature are upheld by law, valued and honored by all. All Peoples of the earth are treated with dignity and respect in daily discourse and relationship – Goodwill rules. What is put on trial? Hate speech. Nativism (white supremacy, racism). Contemporary slave trade. Sexual harassment. Selfish insensitivity, greed, material satisfaction over human rights and the rights of the Earth as a living being. ◊ Identify and name what more could be put on trial to live in freedom and thrive.
Triumph for Earth: Organizations, businesses, non-profits operate for the greater Good and not solely for the maximization of profit and personal self-interest. What is put on trial? Selfish mis-appropriation of earth’s resources for shareholder supremacy vs. the well-being of all stakeholders. Healthy food, clean water and soil are the rights of life on earth and the Earth itself, not subject to corporate greed and manipulation.
Triumph for Education: Education includes the study of the full spectrum of the human being that recognizes and emphasizes the Soul. What is the test to be put on trial? Are we educating the whole person to include the “fact of the soul”? Is the best education made available for all and not only the wealthy? What must change for our societies to realize that all humanity benefits from free or affordable and available education?
Triumph for Religion/Spirituality: “New World” religions are actively lived. ◊ In the house of Religion, what must be tested and put on trial? Separative dogmas, outmoded doctrines, dangerous beliefs, misinformation, put-downs of other religions. ◊ What would represent Triumph? Living rituals and doctrines that inspire love and Soul relations.
Triumph – safety and freedom from fear. A safe living environment in our homes, our streets, churches and places of worship, our communities and society. Fear is overcome such that we trust our social systems to protect all citizens. A test for trial is an unbiased reading and understanding of the U.S. Constitution regarding “the right to bear arms”. A test for trial is responsible gun regulation, unlawful citizen ownership of military weapons, and governmental oversight good for all.
Triumph: Police reform for the protection, safety and humane treatment of all its Citizens. Prison reform with real rehabilitation, and Restorative Justice.
Triumph in Politics: A clean political process, Soul politics and governance that represents the good of the people. Tests to put on trial are corrupt politicians, corrupt use of money, special interest groups undermining every citizen’s right to vote, an honest electoral process and the peaceful transition of power. What else must be put on trial in the arena of politics?
Triumph in Home Building: Environmentally responsible home building practices that are good for the planet — straw bale housing, rammed earth homes (a 5000 year old building practice), alternative housing, use of renewable energy. Test: outdated building codes and practices.
Triumph of Renewable Energy: End the grip of the fossil fuel industry as a primary energy source. Replaced with renewable resources and “free energy”. Utilize hidden and suppressed technology resources. Test: make available technologies suppressed by greed. Test: mobilize the “will of the greater Good” ending the grip of the fossil fuel industry for renewable resources and a true wealth economy.
Triumph of the Arts: Music of the Soul, art and media that inspires, uplifts, advances, alchemizes and moves Humanity forward. ◊ What tests and trials would raise this actualization? Study the healing effects of music upon the human form and psyche, and conversely, the deleterious and destructive sound wave effects of violent music upon society. Foster the soul through the arts.
Triumph of Spiritual Cultures: Spiritual culture as a way of life. Soul expressions of Beauty and spiritual values in balanced proportion to material values. Right human relations flourishing through and for all kingdoms of nature.
Triumph – “Global Climate Thrival”. Global Climate Thrival replaces “Global Climate Change” as the number one issue for solution in the mind of Humanity. We care enough about the earth and environment – as ‘our body’. The attitude adopted is “all life and lives matter” ~ Earth is a living being we love, with whom are in partnership.
A Test to put on trial – What is our progress, how fast are we moving? The Paris Climate Accord was the beginning for all participating nations to commit. Within a year, the United States backed out of the Accord under the then new president (DJT) who refused to join the world community, sending shock waves around the globe. Since then, under the direction of a new U.S. President (JB), the United States and major countries met to continue the work of redressing effects of global climate change. A Triumph: all major Nations support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and do their part to live up to their commitments. Every problem has encoded ‘within its matrix’ a solution. May the UN SDG “goals” be accepted by all nations and improved upon as the blue-print for a new world civilization.
Now again, DJT is back after being re-elected. What are the tests now under trial?
Triumph in News Reporting: News reporting through mainstream and social media is currently motivated by “if it bleeds, it leads”. Tests for triumph: Bad news is balanced with solution news and opportunity. Good news is brought into public media to bring a healthy balance. Misinformation and lies are rooted out of the press and all media – protecting the Truth. And the Truth is told as it is, undiluted, unbiased and unaltered.
Follow “Solutions News” - https://worldbusiness.org/solutions-news-radio-fridays-at-5-p-m/
Become an “emissary” through the Optimist Daily: The Optimist Daily Mission: To accelerate the shift in human consciousness by catalyzing 100,000,000 people to start each day with a positive solutions mindset. We are creating a movement. Share your stories, connect. https://www.optimistdaily.com.
Triumph: The purification of social media platforms. Use of these platforms addresses real issues, brings “truth” forward, is used as a means to understand each other, create community, and create a better world.
Hearing the cry of Humanity in the darkness is a call for light and love. How has this cry been heard, made visible in your life? ◊ A Triumph: In accord with our means, we respond with YES when hearing that cry. Every response is “the Word made flesh” in the Chain of Hierarchy.
Humanity is swimming in the currents of “testing and trial”. Humanity as the “World Disciple” will eventually Triumph — the Light of Day for Humanity will be known.
We are reminded by the words of Master DK concerning His group, and “other groups similarly motivated”, that we are all participating in some way, together:
"The work of this group, and of other groups similarly motivated, is to achieve these undertakings together: Together to face the Dweller and triumph; together to arrive at understanding; together to stand before the Presence because the Angel's light reveals "that which the eye has never seen;" together to walk the Path of Revelation; together to serve and together to aid the faltering steps of humanity, the world aspirant; together to stand with our back to the light because we comprehend the ancient aphorism which states:
"He who faces the light and stands within its radiance is blinded to the issues of the world of men; he passes on the lighted way to the great Centre of Absorption. But he who feels the urge to pass that way, yet loves his brother on the darkened path, revolves upon the pedestal of light and turns the other way.
"He faces towards the dark and then the seven points of light within himself transmit the outward streaming light, and lo! the face of those upon the darkened way receives that light. For them, the way is not so dark. Behind the warriors—twixt the light and dark—blazes the light of Hierarchy." (DNA-I, 13)
◊ Let us TURN our gaze from these LAST SEVEN DAYS and ask, ‘what gains have I made?’ ‘What gains has Humanity made?’ We bring them into our awareness to recognize and reinforce our triumphs. Let us celebrate our victories wherever we can find them (as a spiritual practice) to build the momentum of triumph.
See them, experience them, talk about them, share them, promulgate them, fan their flame.
Let us give thanks to the Great Ones — for Their Guidance and help in fanning the flame of opportunity to move through life in the Freedom and Liberation of the Soul upon the Path of Light and Love, increasing the powers of the Soul. Let this be our vision and goal. Let us recognize tests as opportunities on the testing ground of life itself. Let our hearts open wide with Love and courage ~ knowing that the alchemical fires of Love and higher Will are cultivating Triumph in every presented opportunity. As the great wheel of life turns, Soul response is evoked and tested until the dross is removed and proven pure.
Do you hear what God hears?
Do you hear the Triumphant Soul sounding forth in ever greater measure?
William Blake
We offer deep gratitude to the Master DK whose great heart, vast mind, profound intellect and forward vision has inspired and informed hundreds of thousands of aspirants, disciples, initiates and world servers ~ moving them forward upon the Lighted Way and Paths of higher living. We are farther ahead than we would otherwise be without these contemporary Teachings of the Ageless Wisdom given and communicated through His amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey. His body of Teachings serving contemporary Discipleship shall continue to awaken, inspire and unfold the life of the Soul for souls yet to be born.
Communicating and making available these contemporary “Teachings” in ritual form for present-day aspirants, disciples and initiates is a mission of Esoteric Advent to support ‘Soul living’ and promulgating Soul cultures around the world. Enlightening the mind with “newer truths” opens the higher heart, purifies the personality instrument and makes it “goal fit” for Soul expression. All who consciously tread the Path of Discipleship and Initiation move rapidly upon the Lighted Way. May we live as Souls in all our relations, thereby establishing soul cultures around the world. Let this be our unified goal.◊
Appreciation is extended for the art and music presented in these pages. The magical effect of combining sacred Truths (sacred Text), sacred Images (through art) and soul-inspired Sound (through music) — opens ‘a portal into the sacred’ — into the fiery inner worlds, the mansions of God — and the Angelic Lives embodying them. Communion with the Stars and planets as living entities ever beaming upon us, presences and expands their Gifts to us. As we gain wider entry into the Soul Field of energies where live the great Luminaries — the Great Ones Who have walked the planes of earth before us, we learn as They did that the great chain of Being is a luminous Light guiding our steps and goal of achievement for complete liberation. This Light is “ever with us”. OM
Images found on the internet by unknown artists are utilized for educational purposes and “fair use" under the Creative Commons Copyright. If you are an artist who would like your name credited, please write Halina Bak-Hughes at esotericadvent1@gmail.com. We offer you deep gratitude for your contributions of beauty and inspiration.
Candle Altar photos by HBH
Soul Star Group Image was meditatively created for Esoteric Advent by Simon Bialobroda
All music on this website should be purchased on-line or in music stores to add to your music library in support of the creative artists who produced them.
Music by Harold Moses can be purchased through HGMoses - Harmonic Sounds and Tracks. Contact hgmoses@gmail.com
Music by Michael Robbins - The Great Invocation can be ordered through www.sevenray.org.
We offer our deepest gratitude to the Master DK (MDK) and publisher Lucis Trust. The great majority of content and teachings in these pages are sourced from the "Blue Books" authored by MDK through his amanuensis, Alice A. Bailey. The Blue Books can be purchased through Lucis Trust: https://www.lucistrust.org/ Note, the word Lucis means lux or ‘Light’ in Latin.
Gratitude to the Roerich Museum for use of published works by Nicholas and Helena Roerich - adding timeless beauty and power to these pages.
‘Esoteric Advent’ is a stream of the “New World” Religion. It’s principles and practices form the basis for the new world, an Aquarian civilization. Esoteric Advent is fundamentally the Advent of the spiritual Hierarchy and the Christ as World Teacher to “appear” amongst the peoples of the Earth for establishing a new world civilization – a new earth rising. For this Humanity waits and “Prepares the Way”. The Advent of the Soul of Humanity working with and through all the Kingdoms of nature is the means by which the new world will rise.
Financial Contributions for the work of Esoteric Advent are ever and always welcome. No amount is too large or too small.