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MOVING INTO pisces 2024
“The Light of the World“
“This is the light revealing the Light of Life itself. It forever ends the darkness of matter."
Roerich - Bridge of Glory
Pisces — "The Light of the World. This is the light revealing the Light of Life itself. It forever ends the darkness of matter". EA, 330
The Word of the Soul in Pisces:
“I leave the Father’s Home ~ and turning back, I save.”
“In this sign the work is consummated and the will of the Father works out through the second ray Will as “the will-to-save”. … In Pisces, you have the consummation of the work of that which the matter aspect has made possible, and the Christ emerges as the world savior.” EA, 627/8
NOTE: SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN below the image of the phases of the Moon, titled "7 DAY Solar Full Moon Ritual" to find the daily links to participate in the Daily meditations and Diamond Soul Practices.
"The entire "vault of heaven" is the phenomenal appearance of that entity."
The Heavenly Man turns the zodiacal wheel
"The Ancient Wisdom teaches that "space is an entity". It is with the life of this entity and with the forces and energies, the impulses and the rhythms, the cycles and the times and seasons that esoteric astrology deals" (Esoteric Astrology, 7/8) — the basis upon which “Esoteric Advent” approaches the Full Moon rituals.
“The heavens, the constellations, signs and planets mean one thing to the Hierarchy and another thing to the astronomers and still another thing to the astrologers, whilst they are simply bewildering galaxies of light to the average citizen. I feel the need to remind you of this and to point out to you that astronomical facts are only relative as regards the true and factual nature of ‘That’ about which scientific pronouncement is made; they are declarative of life and potency but not as science and the average man understand them. From the standpoint of esoteric truth, they are simply embodied Lives and the expression of the life, the quality, the purpose and the intent of the Beings Who have brought them into manifestation.” (EA, 257)
“The entire theme of the zodiac can be approached from the angle of light and its unfolding and increasing radiance and of the gradual demonstration in what I have called elsewhere "the glory of the One." The mode of the development of this inner light and of its externalization must remain—from the standpoint of its cosmic effects—one of the secrets of initiation and this for a long time to come. It will, however, not be out of place if I were to give symbolically certain phrases and sentences which will indicate (for each sign) this "growth of light in light," as it is esoterically called, bearing in mind that we are attempting to express conditions connected with the soul whose essential nature is light”.
“This soul-light affects the form as evolution proceeds and produces sequentially the revelation of that form, and of the nature of space-time as well as of the goal.” ... "A study of the above thoughts will reveal the symbolic story of the irradiation of matter, of the growth of the light body within the macrocosm and the microcosm, and finally make clear the purpose of the Logos." (EA, 328/9)
The great Zodiacal Being Who ensouls all twelve constellations is ONE BEING, One Whole Life energy, twelve-faceted in nature. We are fractile replicas of That Being in our own Body Being, therefore Divine.
In Service of the Great Ones and the Soul of Humanity
Solar Full Moon rituals are part of the emerging universal “New World” Religion. It is both a privilege and sacred opportunity to consciously participate with the great Lives and Lights of a vast inner world order where the whole is seen as One. Through rhythmic cycles of Group Approach to Divinity where we participate in the invocation and evocation of high Beings and energies ~ of which we are a part, we participate in and laying down a framework for the rituals of the new age.
Regardless of what we are ‘doing outwardly' in the world, in the discipline of holding an interior Soul focus during the New and Full Moon periods, intent upon working with the "living energies and Lives" pouring through the Solar System to the Earth and Her Centers, we are consciously participating in a planned spiritual service in group approach to Divinity.
All who are called to participate commit to an inner “soul-imperative” to organize our lives such that we are found participating in the rituals of the greater life of Sanat Kumara – the Lord of the World in Whose Life we live, move, breathe and have our being – and of Whom The Christ and Masters of Love-Wisdom are living Disciples. All who aspire to tread the path of Discipleship and Initiation are drawn and "set apart" for the disciplines that shall eventually bring us to the feet of the Master and spheres of "high powered Livingness" where the Masters walk. In the meantime, we aspire to serve with joy in our hearts, love-wisdom in our minds and freedom in our steps as we continue to move upon the Lighted Way of the Soul leading to the Higher Way where the Great Ones are found.
Day One of the Pisces Seven-Day Full Moon Ritual begins three days before the actual Full Moon Day.
Our Day One will begin Wednesday, February 21, 2024 in the northern Hemisphere and one calendar day later in the southern hemisphere. Day Four is Full Moon Day. Days five, six and seven are the three days of distribution that follow Full Moon Day.
London, Manchester, Dublin
12:30 PM GMT / UTC
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Vancouver
4:30 AM PST
New York, Toronto, Atlanta
7:30 AM EST
11:30 PM AEDT
FOR the exact time of the Full Moon in most locations in the world, go to — https://www.moongiant.com/moonphases/February/2024/
LIVE LINKS To Important Mantrams and Supportive Materials
(Click on Shaded areas indicating a "live" link)
What Is Alignment? What Is Alignment? (Click in the faded area to open the document. This document is good to read prior to every Full Moon).
Mantram - the Sacred Word OM and the Breath of Life - Mantram - Sacred Word
The Great Invocation: A World Prayer for Humanity - The Great Invocation
Mantram of Unification - Mantram
Affirmation of the Disciple - Affirmation
Participating in all Seven Days will yield the deepest results. Days 1 - 3 are days of Preparation for deepening with one’s Soul nature and alignment and synchronization with the Soul Star Group in contact with the spiritual Hierarchy and Ashrams of the World Teacher - the Christ; the 12 hours preceding and following Full Moon Day is the Day of Contact for Impression and sacred Holding of the energies invoked; Days 5 - 7 are days of Distribution of the energies contacted by all world serving groups and conscious Souls.
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NOTE: If you are new to the 7-Day Full Moon group rituals in “Esoteric Advent”, this is a guided, self-directed process. To participate, come to this website daily, scroll beneath the image of the moon phases and click on the appropriate day (for daily content). Do the daily meditation and practices preferably in the morning. On Full Moon day, try to participate in the Ritual as close to the exact moment as possible, giving yourself an hour or more for the process.
With practice, the meditations will become more familiar and thereby deeper, fuller, richer and more potent. Attuning with the energy present during this time is best done within the consciousness of the Soul Star Group. This is key to contacting the life and potency of the Spiritual Hierarchy as a group.
"7 DAY solar full moon ritual"
The Meditations, Contemplations, and Diamond Soul Practices are greatly enhanced when accompanied by the meditation music of Harold Moses — helping to create a living experience beyond the concrete mind for touching the higher energy reaches of the Soul. The specific “notes” offered here correspond with the ray energies of the Constellation we are working with and its planetary transmitters (rulers) as esoterically understood and to the best of our current knowledge.
To accompany the "Daily Ritual Meditations, Contemplations and Diamond Soul Practices", three music tracks are provided. By playing these “notes”, we energetically attune with the ray energies of this Sign.
Note C (DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO) corresponds with Ray 6 - Higher Devotion and Idealism streaming through Pisces, and Note G (DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO) corresponds with Ray 2 Love-Wisdom streaming through Pisces and also Jupiter, a 2nd Ray planet as the exoteric transmitter for Pisces.
Note D (DO RE MI FA SO LA TI DO) corresponding with the 1st Ray energy of ‘Power of higher Will’ streaming through Pluto — both the Esoteric and Hierarchical Transmitter of Pisces.
Also included is the Heart Drone for Universal LOVE — the SO-Sol-Soul note of the Universe. Through the over-tones heard in the Heart Drone, all the Rays are ‘presenced’ when played during the Full Moon Rituals.
To hear the music while also reading the daily “Meditation / Contemplation and Diamond Soul Practices” provided below (in PDF format), you would need to open Esoteric Advent website twice, two tabs open on your laptop - one to play the music, another to read the PDF (or print the PDF). Note that a revised version is often made with minor changes).
Some prefer silence during Meditation and Diamond Soul practices.
Please Note: If you are working off of a laptop or desktop, refresh your browser daily to see latest updates; place your cursor in the URL area and click Enter. Same is true for smartphones.
Click on the appropriate Day below in the 'shaded area' titled Click Here. The page will open as a PDF files unless otherwise noted containing today's work. Refresh your browser daily (click Enter in the URL) to see new uploads.
► DAY 1 — CLICK HERE-Revised
► Day 2 — CLICK HERE
See a marvelous 6 minute You tube video between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu on the subject of Joy ! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elT65h0B0zM
For Lent participants, SEE NOTE at the bottom of the page for LENT Part I, II, III
► Day 3 — CLICK HERE
NOTE: For those participating in the Esoteric Lent process, the 7-Day Full Moon Ritual is now our focus.
► DAY FOUR: SOLAR FULL MOON DAY OF PISCES - No PDF is provided for FULL MOON DAY because a Ceremonial Ritual was created on the website accompanied by visuals, music and invocations. Participating at the exact hour of the FM is the most potent way to access the available energies. The next best is within 12 Hours before or after. GO DIRECTLY to: 2024 PISCES SOLAR FULL MOON DAY to participate.
Plus "Labor of Hercules" Meditation for Pisces by Doug Wells: CLICK HERE (Revised 3-7-2020)
(For reasons inexplicable, playing this version of the Ave Maria whilst doing the readings and meditations, permeates and lifts matter unto a high vibration. The Holy Mother is active through the vibrations of music combining Pisces and Virgo in divine alchemical interplay.
► Day 5 — CLICK HERE — (2024) First Day of Reflection and Distribution - Revised today
► Day 6 — CLICK HERE — (2024) CORRECTION - Reloaded Day 6 for 2024
► Day 7 — CLICK HERE — (2024)
Hierarchy - 1931, Sloka 381
“The consciousness that encompasses only the present, without any thought of the future, cannot adhere to evolution, because the chain of centuries disappears for such a consciousness. Hence, when the consciousness expands it encompasses the great leading chain of causes and effects. Thus, while evolution is being established, the manifestation of causes is so important. At present, when the planet is completing its Karma, certainly the retribution for engenderments is greatly reflected upon humanity. Yet that which is engendered by human spiritual striving enwraps the planet. Hence each bright tension and striving will give to the planet the affirmation of the New World. Therefore, the lofty Banner of Peace carries its projectiles of Light and fierily imbues the currents around Earth as a panacea against evil. The consciousnesses blended for millenniums, create. Thus Light conquers darkness. Thus a wondrous step is being fulfilled. Thus the preordained approaches.”
► After Day Six/Seven, some may want to go to the tab titled “The 12 Lights of Life - Aries” to work with Diamond Soul practices there. For those participating in Esoteric Lent, return to a new section of the website to resume our “discipline of spirit”.
► Please NOTE: Lent Part II brought our focus to the 7-Day Full Moon group approach to Divinity.
In Service of the Christ and the Great Ones for the Flowering of the Soul of Humanity
ESOTERIC LENT: A “Discipline of Spirit” to “hold the highest point possible all the time” began Wednesday, February 14, 2024. See Esoteric Lent on this website IF you would like to participate. These disciplines deeply prepare us for Esoteric Easter Holy Week — prior to Easter Sunday.
ESOTERIC EASTER: Easter Sunday is March 30. “The date of Easter changes each year because it is based on the lunar cycle. Easter Sunday always falls on the Sunday after the first full moon following the Spring equinox in March.” This year the Aries FULL MOON that follows the March 19 Spring Equinoxe, is March 24.
Photos by HBH (Temple Altar)
After the Full Moon
Subtle expansions in consciousness change perception, allowing us to 'see', ‘sense’ and experience life at finer levels of reality and as new qualities and strengths of “Being” become our own. We perceive these accelerating gains through the intuition. In service we give what we receive. The unfolding "new mind of Christ" eventually registers and resonates with the greater Mind of Christ of the 3-fold "Triune Self" — higher Mind, higher Love and holy Will. We become victorious — Victors upon the long journey Home, swelling the ranks of Christ walking the planes of the earth.
Christ as the world Saviour in Pisces, completes the round of the zodiac, able to say triumphantly, "It is finished.” (EA, 167/8) (See Day Seven for more)
"I God, I Matter Am"
PISCES AND VIRGO. The fullness of each sign is revealed to us in union with its opposite sign. When the Father unites with the Mother (Virgo), the middle principle – Christ is born.
"The form reveals and releases the indwelling soul. The Saviour of the world appears and nurtures the hidden souls in Virgo”. (EA, 339)
"In this sign, the work is consummated and the will of the Father works out through the Second Ray as the will-to-save." "Virgo nurtures the life of that second ray phenomenon, a Christ, the consummation of the task of matter and its elevation into heaven." (EA, 627)
SIGNIFICANCE: Revelation of the inner Christ (the 12 petals of the Heart unfolded).
Music by HAROLD G. MOSES can be purchased through Harmonic Sounds and Tracks and Instrumental. Contact Harold Moses directly at: hgmoses@gmail.com ; HG Moses, PhDE • 602-751-8352
Director: The Institute of Harmonic Science - a 501c3
Composer • Performing Artist • Harmonics For All, LLC
Music by Michael Robbins - The Great Invocation can be ordered through www.sevenray.org
Other Music on these pages can be purchased on-line or in music stores.
Teachings and references from the "Blue Books" authored by the Master DK but written by Alice A. Bailey can be purchased through Lucis Trust:
Next Month: To see the next New and Full Moon phases, see DATES AND TIMES FOR NEW AND FULL MOONS 2022-2025 - IN THE TAB ABOVE THIS PAGE FOR PISCES.
If you are appreciative of this work and are moved to CONTRIBUTE to the ongoing sustenance of this work and those who make it possible, please visit the tab titled — Make A Contribution
~ In Gratitude ~