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“Thank you. Your presentations always renews my spirit in an especially reverent way. There is such a pervading energetic of the Sacred that is unique to them. Many thanks and blessings to you. … ” SM
"Celebrating group work of this refined quality, I seek to uplevel the strength of my spiritual will." Ginny R
“ … Thank you for your work! Esoteric Advent has been one of the most significant spiritual practices I have ever done and has been a tremendous experience. I look forward to continuing work with the Soul Star Group. Kind Regards, " LR
“The work you do is amazing and it seems to grow in beauty and potency every year. It is an inspired gift of "Revelation & Inspiration" - the truest expression & purpose of artistic offerings according to DK in Discipleship in the New Age!” Anne O.
“I continue to be ever so grateful for these beautiful, inspirational offerings given forth. May many blessings continue to unfold under the holy wings of this service, to hierarchy, and to humanity. Grace be with you.” SM
“Our lives are moved into the “causal realm of the Soul” when joining living rituals whose goal is to contact and be impressed by increasingly higher levels of Soul … Spiritual disciplines and practices that bring us into "resonance with" and "en rapport with" the Great Ones — and the energies, themes and rhythms of still higher Beings — bring us into living relationship with the Great Chain of Being. Absorbed by these energies, influenced by Them, consequently we change and are transformed.” HBH
We find ourselves thinking and seeing life differently, we experience life “anew” with expanded feeling, we understand more, we move comprehend spiritual realities as a living experience of universal energies pouring through creation that also pours through us — in fuller measure and in unexpected ways. What a Joy it is to do this with each other in spiritual community. SBH
“Throughout the Universe, it is the Soul which is the conscious, sensitive theme of the divine Plan.” (EA, 295)
Esoteric Advent is the advent of the Christ principle pouring through all the Kingdoms of nature ~ As Above, So Below ~ in increasing measures and ways.
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“O Hidden Life vibrant in every atom,
O Hidden Light shining in every creature,
O Hidden Love embracing all in Oneness,
Let each who feels One with Thee,
Know He is One with Every Other."
WHAT IS ESOTERIC ADVENT? There are several ways to answer this question. To begin, ‘Esoteric Advent’ is part of the purifying stream of religion in the “New World” based upon the universal principle of Love — and the God of Love Whose essence is the universal Christ Principle. As humanity evolves, it does so by building a new world that is based upon love, joy, beauty, harmony and the new sciences that have been rapidly rising in the Aquarian impulse now underway, still embryonic, and dependent upon every human achieving contact with the Soul and expressing as Soul in time and space. Esoteric Advent is fundamentally a Soul Advent in a full spectrum of living expression ~ it is the Advent of The Christ and spiritual Hierarchy as an overarching presence in the world, it is the advent of the Soul of One Humanity, and it is the advent of the Soul in each and every one of us.
This presentation of spiritual “Teachings”, loosely termed the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, draws primarily from the work of a contemporary spiritual Master of Love-Wisdom — Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul or Master DK — spoken of as “the most learned of all the masters”. In His service to Humanity He wrote a comprehensive series of books, often referred to as “The Blue Books”, to serve as a spiritual guide and education, intended for the western disciple of the 21st Century. While Buddhist teachings have their equivalent, these are intended for disciples of the West. Master DK authored His books through Alice A. Bailey whose name appears on all 19 books authored by Him, and the 5 authored by her (see the link below this paragraph for their titles). Furthermore, the assembled content presented in these pages from which further writing and spiritual practices are drawn, come primarily from the Blue Books as a resource. A second resource of inspiration is drawn from the work of Helena Roerich and The Course In Miracles. All the rest comes from the knowledge, intuition and intuitive perceptions of the Soul of the writer and creator of this website.
The book titles can be found here: www.solinvictusuniversalis.com/www.solinvictusuniversalis.com/7_Newer_Truths.html
In these pages you will find monthly solar alignments, full moon rituals, seasonal rituals, traditional church ritual names from an esoteric wisdom angle, and guided meditations all based upon “the Teachings” of the Master. All content and ritual presentations were painstakingly designed for the Advent of the Soul and contact with the spiritual Hierarchy — the Church of God. All ritual observances are designed to promote Soul contact and Soul unfoldment as a living demonstration of our essential Divinity. And all promote contact with the Church of God — the spiritual Hierarchy in whose center stands the Christ — ‘Teacher alike of angels and of men’. The sacred texts found in these pages are meant to present “high thinking” and set our feet more firmly upon the path of Light and Love — the Lighted Way of the Soul that eventually leads to the Higher Way. This presentation of the Teachings is intended for western (as opposed to eastern) present-day aspirants, disciples and Initiates who aspire to walk the Lighted Way of the Soul and living Path of Discipleship. By virtue of contacting high energies, these energies express through us “where on Earth we live”. As we “live” a conscious spiritual life, we are living subjectively as the Soul in the objective world.
Let us remember that organized religion has been formed and forged through the ages, made by “man” for “man” to come into sacred, living relationship with our God. Essentially all are equally Divine, yet to what degree we are each manifesting our essential divinity is dependent upon the living process of evolution, and to our accelerating that process leaving each to fulfill that destiny in accord with our will. Therefore, all are not as yet outwardly demonstrating their essential Divinity. Organized religion is meant to assist this process but must also evolve to meet the needs of an awakening humanity.
Esoteric Advent is an organism, not an organization, that constellates around The Ageless Wisdom Teachings — whose roots of origin stem from the Trans-Himalayan tradition dating back thousands of years. The Masters of Love-Wisdom form a lineage from this tradition, and its two most evolved members are known by the title of their office, The Buddha, and, The Christ. All true religions stem from this lineage. Theosophy and the Secret Doctrine, the works of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (HPB), stem from the same Trans-Himalayan body of knowledge and ancient lineage. While the deepest aspects of these Teachings are so old and ancient in origin that they predate written history, they are also timeless in their presentation of truth, beauty, trajectory, living power and relevance today. The Soul ever brings forward the best of the past, and by necessity brings in newer presentations of Truth intended to stock, stimulate and open the heart-mind to the higher vibrations and living potencies of the True Soul.
We are now entering a scientific age as the 5th ray of science streams through the sign of Aquarius. There is no way of getting around the necessity for true spiritual knowledge to accompany spiritual progress. It is through study, meditation and service that we progress. Accompanying study is the application of knowledge. Too many aspirants delay their progress in ‘becoming a Soul’ on the planes of daily living due to a misinterpretation and avoidance of applying the discipline of learning and study when thinking it is “too mental” and they only want “the heart”. Both are needed and both are intrinsic to each other to create a whole with the Soul. Education and application are part of the Hall of Learning. One must learn the Laws of the Soul and apply them before one can advance to the Hall of Wisdom and beyond. We cannot skip ahead before “study and learning” has done its work. Without the necessary preliminary steps, the aspirant is lost in their own and cultural miasmas, glamours, and illusions — and often does not know s/he is lost. Their beliefs are colored with misinformed and misleading thoughtforms. Lower elementals (due to impure living, laziness or sloth, emotional and mental distortions) prevent the light from getting in, and delay further progress.
Purifying and training the personality — the 3-fold instrument for the soul — means to become “goal fit” so that the Soul can use it in service to Humanity and manifesting the Plan of God which is humanity’s role. To forward move upon the Lighted Way of the Soul steadies our lives, and brings about experiences of Joy and heartful living that are part of the New Heaven on Earth. To live as “I am the Soul” will eventuate in establishing soul cultures around the world. Through “right living, high thinking and loving activity”, we actively contribute to world betterment “where on earth we live”. Now and in the coming decades and centuries ahead, humanity will be on its way to building a new heaven on earth. Yes, there is so much to do. The starting point and endpoint is Soul living at higher and higher levels of expression. There is no other way to achieve happiness, peace, Joy, beauty and ultimate freedom.
In the writings of Master DK, we are informed that when the time is right, the World Teacher and Lord of Love will openly “appear” among the peoples of Earth to assist in establishing a new world civilization and new Earth rising. This will come about as a gradual emergence in the field of Humanity, that even now can be seen through spiritual leaders in all walks of life and proponents of good-will numbering in the millions. All are carrying the high note of the new world unfolding. Known or unknown to themselves, they are ‘Preparing the Way’.
Irrespective of what is “seen and heard” in the news cycles, the Soul of Humanity is hard at work bettering world conditions for bringing in the “new”. We are seeing a rapid increase in the number of souls awakening to their innate divinity in the midst of current world crises, distress and strife. Global and national crises are the “burning ground” of purification. What is brought to surface is seen clearly now — to be burned, washed, dropped away, or transformed to allow for the “new”. Soul Relations hold the key. Habitual lower ego responses that create separation, pain and suffering must — and will — be replaced. For the new world to take hold, Soul Relations must be at the heart of all our motives, all our relations, all our speech and activities. Then will the emergent future come into sharpened view. For this vision we work, we trust and we hold to with ineradicable faith.
In brief, this body of work known as Esoteric Advent was first born through an unexpected contact in meditation to create a living ritual for esoteric students and spiritual companions allowing participants to be together as Souls for a spiritual deepening process, during the Christmas Advent season of 2013/14. The beauty, magic and power of that first gathering precipitated an energy flow and relationship of incredible purity, beauty and rarity of frequency, resulting in real life transformations. The energies invoked and contacted carried the potency of Sirius, galvanizing a current that flowed through the group field and each one of us, leaving us electrified and charged. It was followed by cleansing, healing and uplifting “waters of Life” pouring through the group during the 12 Days of Christmas process. The majority of participants that year did not want to stop due to the effects of the magical process. Not long after, Esoteric Advent evolved by adding a year long process of 7-Day monthly rituals of “invocation and evocation” to contact the living energies behind the constellational Full and New Moon cycles. After this, it evolved yet again to include offering three more major ritual observances held by the church, but overlaying them with the Ageless Wisdom teachings and invoking the high energies present during these seasons. All come under the framework of Esoteric Advent — as Esoteric Lent, Esoteric Easter, and Esoteric Pentecost (Veni Sancte Spiritus) — in addition to Esoteric Advent — Christmas (40 day ritual retreat).
A deeper correspondence to the term “esoteric advent” was later corroborated in the writings of Master DK as the esoteric advent under way for the “externalization of the spiritual Hierarchy” — the spiritual elders of the human race. These “Elders” are like ourselves rising from Humanity, except that they have progressed beyond the human stage after having mastered the forces of the physical planes and gaining the joy and freedom of the Soul in higher states of consciousness and planes of living. Today they “Prepare the Way” for the great Light of the World Teacher and Life of the Aquarian Christ in the Aquarian Age.
As the deeper esoteric Teachings are brought to light, studied, understood and applied, sensitivity to the Soul is further awakened, and gains strength in daily living and in the affairs of humanity. As we aspire to walk the Way of the Soul, the world Soul will awaken with an unstoppable power.
The flowering of every Soul produces a radiant light and love energy that supports the rising Soul of Humanity. In the same way that the Soul of every nation is unified and spiritually empowered by the flowering forth of its citizens, our individual and group responsibility to live as Souls builds the conscious realization that we are one humanity, we are One Soul of Humanity — One Soul, One Earth.
The Kingdom of Souls and the Human Kingdom are destined to merge into One Kingdom. This merging has now started — but will not come to full fruition until much time has passed in a far and distant future. Christ and His Disciples are moving toward Humanity — and Humanity is moving towards this great Center where the Love of God is known. Such is the Plan of God — for the two to become One.
For the progress of this process, we continue “Preparing the Way”.
“Living Ideas Inspire True Purpose”
The inspiration behind the purpose of “Esoteric Advent” is fourfold: 1) to prepare the Way for the Coming One and His most advanced Disciples, the Masters of Love-Wisdom and Elders of the Human Race, 2) to serve as a vehicle of expression for the blending of old-world and new-world teachings that is the untold story of the Ageless Wisdom, and the role of the “new world” religions in the centuries ahead, 3) to provide a pathway for Soul unfoldment and development, and Soul companionship that the Initiatory Journey and Initiation walking the Way together into greater Light, inclusive Love and Holy Will, and 4) for all who enter these pages to find a home of inspiration provide a ritual means of accelerating “living as a Soul” in service of the Plan.
Esoteric Advent brings focus to the Advent of the Coming One — known to billions as “The Christ — the Lord of Love—the Prince of Peace—Master of All Masters—and Teacher Alike of Angels and of Men. Commensurate with His advent will be the advent of the Soul of Humanity, each Soul a cell in the body of God shining with the consciousness of the Christ Principle. The Christ — as Lord of Love, Prince of Peace and World Teacher and Savior — irrespective of what name Humanity has called Him down through the Ages, has served as a great Heart for the Soul of Humanity holding “the Office of the Christ” for the past 2,000 years (in the Piscean Age) and shall do so again for yet another Age spanning the 2500 years of the Aquarian Age, after which time He will pass this Office to another, and move onto new spiritual adventures and Paths of Service. The Christ Whom we know and love inspires every heart on the “path of return” to the Bosom of Father/Mother.
Those attracted to this work will enter a purifying stream of the coming ‘New World’ Religions. The religions of the future build upon the best of the past, and add to them a new light of Knowledge to meet the expanding consciousness of Humanity. This is an experiential path that draws upon the Science of the Soul, where science and mysticism meet and blend to provide a living Way back Home.
“Treasures in Heaven” are legion and multi-faceted. The Treasures of the Ageless Wisdom teachings are ancient and contemporary, stemming from sources preserved in all world religions of today. Yet, the pure threads of new light coursing to and through the spiritual centers of Earth are awaiting revelation, and cannot easily mix with outmoded dogmas and mires of useless knowledge for awakening Souls today.
Today, with the incoming cycles of new Ray energies, the Soul in us seeks to be known through Newer Truths and presentations of these Truths. All comes under the direction and great revelation of Being.
A portal into the sacred opens through the magical combination of the power of sacred teachings, sacred music and sound, and the transporting power of beauty through sacred imagery.
The Esoteric Advent website is a living portal offering rhythmic rituals of Guided meditations and contemplations that are part of the new spiritual science of “invocation and evocation”, planetary and solar alignments through Full Moon and New Moon creative meditation rituals, Soul science, angelic communications, profound love-wisdom Teachings, and the sacred Word. We have entered the age of “group approach to Divinity”.
"The quality of soul livingness spilling over into the world from the invocative-evocative field of Esoteric Advent is establishing an oasis of light and love ... one of many springing up within the light body of the planet." SB
“ … Thank you for the gift of graceful rituals you present during Esoteric Advent throughout the year. They are a blessing for so many who participate and take the Light out into the world.” D Adams
"What Joy! To be so generously guided into the LIVING presence of the Christ. To perceive it, to realize we are perceived as well. A week-long darshan in beautiful, embracing and inspiring energies. And to finally "turn around", go back into the world, knowing that Christ is with us, even unto the end of the age! ..." DN
"... so many of us are becoming aware of the deep fullness of Christ's love and purpose for humanity... The Esoteric Advent (events and offerings) are preparing us to enter into the holiness of His presence..." MBK
Thank you, ... for all that you are offering which helps to gather together the NGWS (New Group of World Servers) so that we may work together on inner & outer levels. With love, gratitude & recognition." RDA
“ … the most valuable part of Esoteric Advent for me was being a part of a group that was gathering intentionally around the exact same practices. I really like how you laid out the meditations so that a lot of comprehensive info was settled right into the practices. This helps a person learn at the same time they connect with the higher forces & helps produce the marriage between theory & practice.” LR
“So many worthwhile practices that deepen the Teaching for me and I am sure all who work with your beautiful material. Thank you” JW
“Christ is the World Healer and Saviour. He works because He is the embodied soul of all Reality. He works today, as he worked in Palestine two thousand years ago, through groups. There He worked through the three beloved disciples, through the twelve apostles, through the chosen seventy, and the interested five hundred... Now He works through His Masters and Their groups, and thereby greatly intensifies His efforts. He can and will work through all groups just in so far as they fit themselves for planned service, for the distribution of love, and come into conscious alignment with the great potency of the inner groups.”
(Externalization of the Hierarchy (EXH), by Alice A Bailey, 604)
"The Christ principle, the true second Coming" and the New World Religion
“Eventually, there will appear the Church Universal, and its definite outlines will appear towards the close of this century. In this connection, forget not the wise prophecy of H.P.B. as touching events at the close of this century. This Church will be nurtured into activity by the Christ and His disciples when the outpouring of the Christ principle, the true second Coming, has been accomplished. No date for the advent do I set, but the time will not be long. (Externalization of the Hierarchy (EOH), 510)
“It must not be forgotten that only those souls who are on the Probationary Path or the Path of Discipleship will form the nucleus of the coming world religion. It exists on the inner planes for the purpose of gathering out of all the churches those who have reached the point in evolution where they can consciously and of their own free will place their feet upon that path which leads to the center of peace; who can in full awareness turn their eyes upon the Great Lord, and transmute the life of worldly endeavour into the life of service. The first detachment gathered into the coming Church will be found to be a part of the present great band of servers. These have, down the ages, been associated with the Christ in His work.
Remember always the fact of the work He did in connection with the last advent, and remember likewise that in the turning of the cyclic wheel, in the evolution of the spiral, similar conditions will eventuate, the same needs arise, and the same egos [Souls] incarnate that were present in the days of old in Palestine. The numbers of those associated with Him will be greatly increased, for all who knew Him in earlier incarnations in the ancient East, all whom He cured or taught, all who contacted Him or in any way incurred karma with Him or with the Master Jesus, will have the opportunity to cooperate at this time. Each sincere aspirant who is closely connected with the present Church organisations, who feels a close link with the Christ and who loves Him, can be practically sure that in Palestine they saw Him, knew Him and mayhap served and loved Him.” (EOH Page 513/4)
An intense inner desire to participate with others in an extended, in-depth Christmas ritual, connecting us to our deep spiritual origins, the true purpose of Christmas, and opportunity to be immersed in the living principles and teachings of the Ageless Wisdom. I soon discovered how deep this aspiration was met by others who wanted the same.
The profound beauty and meaning of Christmas as the birth and growth of the Light of the World and sacred birth of divinity, individually and planetarily, became a real and living experience through the love-wisdom teachings, practices and daily disciplines developed in the “Esoteric Advent”—”Christmas” process.
“Sacred text, sacred imagery, and sacred music” were and continue to be a supportive backdrop to ~ the daily prayers and meditations, lighted rituals invoking the Angels, invocations to the Christ and Great Ones surrounding the Office of the Christ, the Holy Mother (and Divine Feminine), the Spiritual Hierarchy representing the Kingdom of Souls Who embody the "Love of God", contact with the Stars and constellations shining upon our Earth, and the Journey of the Wise Men accompanying the 12 Days of Christmas — a constellational journey of Soul around the Sun - the Universal Consciousness that embodies the Love, Light and higher Will of Deity, ever-present beneath the surface comings and goings of human living. During the sacred seasons of the year, we contact and strengthen this Consciousness in us, through the joy of group disciplines and Group Approach to Divinity. All the above elements contribute to the presencing and felt sense of the Love of God, Mind of God and Holy Will of God coursing through the universe ~ greatly magnified during this sacred season.
Extended throughout the remaining year, Esoteric Advent is an Advent of the Soul for our earth Humanity. Communion with the energies of the starry Heavens and legions of Angels about whom Christ spoke living among us are brought to life through rhythmic, living immersions “in the sacred” — supported by ageless wisdom teachings illuminating our divine origins and our role in the divine Plan. All lead to an eventual identification with Spirit — That which is most Real and lasting —pressing upon the heart and mind of every human being yearning to know the Real. As pure Love and spiritual Light, ever so present on the inner planes during the spiritual seasons of the year, descends upon those who align and invoke divinity, resulting in a transformation of our daily lives toward a truer livingness. Every turn upward on the Spiral of Life is a movement inward to true spiritual livingness.
During the Christmas season especially, obstacles to an inward immersion for the greatest spiritual impact are numerous and strong due to societal rituals of buying and spending. The power of the 'lower worlds' to steep humanity in materialistic pursuits holds entire societies captive and distracted from the "Real". The noise of the world, distractions and meaningless pursuits leave millions feeling numb and empty. Yet an equally strong pull of the Soul has us "wanting more" as the Soul patiently waits for deeper contact and discovery. As we take genuine "time out" from the distractions of the world, as we immerse ourselves in sacred ritual rhythms and seasonal planetary cycles, ‘we return again and again to the sacred’ to draw upon the nectar of the Real in our lives — until “the day be with us” when we stand free. Free from blocking restraints and limitations. We then return to the world, ensconced in the spiritual energy that true alignment with greater Beings than ourselves afforded, for blessing the world “where on earth we live.”
Several years ago, upon hearing words firmly spoken into a receptive consciousness during a full moon meditation to "offer a Christmas advent this year for your spiritual community (aspirants and disciples), a new path opened and way forward began to emerge for a new line of service.
After experiencing the pure magic of an esoteric Christmas advent with spiritual colleagues, mostly known and some unknown, the spiritual fruits of sharing with spiritual community a walk up the mountain of consciousness began to emerge as people wanted more spiritual offerings throughout the seasons of the year. Here then began the emergence of a vibratory turn of the dial away from the noise and distractions of the world to contact with dimensions of beauty and Reality already powerfully present, but requiring a key of entry through the portal of Group Approach to Divinity.
The means of entry into a new dimensional portal 'where walk the Masters of Love-Wisdom, and the Christ and Angels with Him', came to light as a concentrated ritual immersion in Contemplation upon the higher Ideals and Truths of Reality. In the ethos of the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, a group approach to Divinity became the means for world wide (boundaryless) group invocation & evocation followed by application in every-day living of joyful recognitions and realizations of the sacred already present and emerging in the world today.
Adopting the term 'Esoteric Advent' as the name for the "organism" embodying a process referred to in the Ageless Wisdom teaching reflects an early form of a purifying stream of the 'Christian tradition', one of several newer streams emerging among the major world religions that are part of a great river known as the “new world religion” destined to come into full flower over the next several hundred years.
Esoteric lineages have preexisted and persisted throughout the Ages. The restoration of the Mysteries remains a primary theme of Esoteric Advent to meet the spiritual needs of contemporary aspirants and disciples. The 7 Newer Truths of the Wisdom Teachings brought forth by contemporary Adepts and Masters (of the last and current century) will bring forward a primary artery of new life, a life-line that will update outdated modes and doctrines offered by the majority of religious institutions today. What is esoterically understood as the Apostolic Succession keeps alive the true blood line or lineage of the Christ.
In the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, an "Esoteric Advent" is described as the process for The Coming One—the Christ and His Great Companions to re-appear on earth. This is happening now in some measure as evidenced by the more evolved segments of our humanity who reflect the Soul of Humanity, and will continue with greater speed after certain conditions are met by Humanity. In the year 2025 we are told the Christ and Masters of Love-Wisdom will meet in conclave for Their centennial meeting to review the progress Humanity has made and will determine the plans for Their gradual appearance to walk again among men.
The consciousness of the Being who holds the office of the Christ over-lighted the Disciple Jesus in the three remaining years of his life when last he walked through the streets of Old Jerusalem and nearby communities and hillsides. For the Christ, time has not stood still, nor has He ever left Humanity. His life and guiding Presence has continued unto this day as He pours "gift waves” of new life upon a thirsty humanity through the Masters Who serve Him and the groups of Disciples who serve humanity with light and love to better the conditions of life on earth. Participating Souls in consecrated groups can in turn provide a sanctified "chalice" for receiving and sharing the higher energies of Love, Light and spiritual Power for distribution to a world in need of healing, expansion and new growth.
A symbolic New Jerusalem stands ready on the inner planes as a shining City of Peace awaiting birth and emergence.
"Esoteric Advent" has a broader definition than the seasonal celebration of Christmas Advent along the lineage of one spiritual tradition. Essentially it is the advent of the Soul — the individual flowering of the Soul, the Soul of Humanity, the Souls of our Nations and the planetary — solar awakening to the Heart of Divine Love - the Christ Principle pouring through the Heart of the Sun.
In the esoteric teachings for disciples in the west put forth by advanced Himalayan Masters of Wisdom Teachings for the new age, “Esoteric Advent” refers to a profoundly significant spiritual event and expectation — the “Advent of The Christ”—”The Coming One” known by many names amongst various spiritual traditions — the Lord Maitreya in Buddhism, the Imam Mahdi in Islam by Muslims, the Messiah in Judaism, White Buffalo by the Native Americans, and more.
In parallel, as the old age of Pisces wanes and the new age of Aquarius waxes, “esoteric advent” is an advent of the great “Companions” of the Christ Who will accompany Him to walk the planes of Earth again in a form that no one knows. Many are preparing the Way for His coming. We know Them as Masters of Love-Wisdom, or the spiritual Hierarchy Who are the Elders of the human Race Who together form that Center in the body of the Logos known as the Kingdom of God — where the Love of God is known, and often referred to as the “Great Ones”. They form the Body of the Heart Center of the Lord of the World—where "the Love of God is known". They are the Spiritual Hierarchy, the Kingdom of Souls, comprised of Ashrams or centers along Ray lines of great inner potency of Light, Love and Holy Will — referred to as the "great potency of the inner groups". At the Center of all of these Groups stands the Christ—"the Master of All Masters, Teacher alike of Angels and of Men".
We are living in unprecedented times for our earth humanity evidenced through visible crises, world wide felt human suffering, and tests of choice or will and direction. At the same time, we have much to be hopeful for and expectant as we are also experiencing a human Soul Advent. Great numbers of men and women are awakening to the “fact of the Soul”. This in turn is leading to the awakening Soul of Humanity – the Advent of the Soul of Humanity, connoting its readiness to take the first "Initiation" (the Birth - a major expansion of Consciousness) and movement forward toward the Kingdom of Souls.
Visible to the "Knowers" of our race — and "true seers" whose intuition is awakened to see, hear and understand from the altitude of the Soul, we are inside an "Esoteric Advent" — a great swelling, sweeping tide of two Kingdoms coming into closer contact for eventual merging — the Human Kingdom and the Kingdom of Souls. As Humanity continues to awaken and unfold its higher nature and spiritual possibilities — the better Angels of its nature in response to need, it will continue unfolding its innate divinity with greater speed. As it does, the Watchers of the Race stand ready to offer Their aid, light, love and power to effect positive change in cooperation with Humanity on behalf of the blueprint that is the Plan of God for our Earth and Kingdoms of nature.
One goal of Esoteric Advent is to redeem and vivify the major festivals and spiritual Observances of the Christian tradition in response to what has been said (by the Master) that all major religions and institutions must engage in a purification process. Letting go of the old forms of language and crystalized beliefs (dogma and doctrines) whilst bringing in the new, will facilitate the right conditions for the spiritual approach of the Christ – the “Coming One” and His closest allies - the Masters of Love-Wisdom, and the great Angels Who work with Christ Who He will bring with Him. As the new world rapidly unfolds rising from the ashes of the old, newer spiritual Truths and practices must be put into form to accompany an equally rapid unfolding consciousness of the Soul of Humanity. To meet this deeper need is a primary purpose of Esoteric Advent.
As such, participants of the Esoteric Advent process increasingly come into a continuity of Consciousness, once stabilized, leads to the stage of Being of the Presence, by and through the Living Heart whose great living streams of Love and Truth connect us with the Great Ones Who embody the Love and Higher Will of God.
Together we are preparing the field for these Great Ones. In so doing we are drawn up in consciousness to that great magnetic center where the Heart of Christ abides.
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Sacred Truths, Sacred Sounds, Sacred Visuals in Group Approach to Divinity.
As we engage in rhythmic group ritual approaches to divinity through processes steeped in the sacred text of newer and higher Truths, as we vibrationally attune to the deeper life quality of the Soul through sacred music, and as we are visually swept into the underlying foundations behind and toward visio divina - divine seeing, this spiritual trinity of approach conditions us for entering through portals of a new living Reality, accelerating our own progress for revelation and realization of the Christ Spirit (expanded Soul consciousness) in each of us, which in turn leads us to the Presence Itself.
"Upon the Lighted Way" we are empowered and equipped in our return journey Home to be made useful in service for the realization of the Plan of God. We learn to be in sacred relationship with each other and the earth upon which we live. We are 'Gods in the making' to walk the planes of Earth. We are the Ones we have been waiting for.
More Comments from Participating Souls in "Esoteric Advent"
"What a beautiful nugget of truth to fall back on and truly get the understanding while navigating the energies of Aries: "And should hesitation, self-doubt or apparent lack of resources arise, call on the Angel of Aries to be reminded that "when We come forth from the plane of Mind, We rule". LB
"Thank you so much ... for steadfastly preparing our consciousness for the Age of Aquarius..."
"I so much love ... your initiative in sharing the preparation of the "Coming One" into our hearts and becoming the beacon that represents pure divinity in all that we do in service to humanity.""Lots of gratitude and tons of Love to everyone ... Indeed "words" are missing and insufficient ..."
"Thank you, thank you for this blessed esoteric Easter week. It seemed even more precise and full of inspiration than ever before. The music lifted me to new heights of inner revelation and love. It was a wonderful experience to be with the soul star group and walk the way of the Christ together. .... Your service to the group to prepare the path for the Christ is greatly appreciated.
In deep love and appreciation, ..." LM
"These rhythmic opportunities for service to Humanity, the Soul Star Group, and one's own spiritual development advance the right orientation to spirituality. Thanks to ... and all participants who add their quota of spiritual understanding to the collective thought of fellow members of the one Human family." DW
"This morning after completing the Easter Week and full moon meditations I went to wash my feet. Wrapped in the glow of the contemplations and all the connections we had made, I became acutely aware of the power and significance of this time. I concentrated on 'Walking the Way of the Great Ones' and was taken at how beautifully 'natural' that felt. ... Thank you for this opportunity." LB
"A stream of energy comes from the sun, Sirius; this enters directly into the Hierarchy [the Kingdom of Souls] and carries with it the principle of buddhi, of cosmic love. This, in a mysterious way, is the principle found at the heart of every atom."
"The energy evoked in response to this relationship enters the Hierarchy via the Heart of the Sun, creating as a consequence a triangle of spiritual energy of enormous potency." (Rays & Initiations, 414/5)
Spiritual Hierarchy * * The Heart of the Sun
"The soul alone perceives correctly; the soul alone has the power to contact the germ or the principle of Buddhi (in the Christian phraseology, the Christ principle) to be found at the heart of every atom, whether it is the atom of matter as studied in the laboratory of the scientist, whether it is the human atom in the crucible of daily experience, whether it is the planetary atom, within whose ring-pass-not all our kingdoms of nature are found, or the solar atom, God in manifestation through the medium of a solar system. Christ "knew what was in man" and therefore could be a Saviour." (Light of the Soul, 19)