Christmas Eve Midnight through Christmas Day
“The true significance of the Christmas season lies in the birth of the Christ Consciousness within himself. This is God’s great gift to humanity at this time. And so on holy Christmas Night the aspirant reconsecrates himself that he may live and serve in fuller measure all those whom he meets in daily life, for in this way he receives increasingly the Christ light within himself. Until this birth has occurred within him, he can never know the deep joys of a truly spiritual Christmas.” (Mystery of the Christos - Vol VII, 25; Corinne Helene)
∆ Some among us may want to do the deeper RITUAL MEDITATION on Christmas Day morning; it can be found here: CLICK HERE (named Christmas Eve Midnight through Christmas Day).
We recommend playing “Alleluiah” (by Constance Demby) throughout the entire ritual, or use inspiring music of your choice. Sacred music precipitates the flow of high energies and Angelic participation.
This year, the above ritual invoking the company of the Christ was placed on WINTER SOLSTICE DAY due to the cardinal energies it evokes.
”… Capricorn is also a birth sign, because it is also an aspect or one of the arms of the Cardinal Cross—the Cross of that which initiates or brings into being. This has a peculiar relation to Humanity. It is the birth of the two types of consciousness— self consciousness [Leo] and Christ consciousness [Capricorn].” E.A., 442
It is in Capricorn that Christ consciousness is born. Every subsequent birth is a deepening revelation of Christ consciousness.
"Glory to God, Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men"
“Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May Forgiveness on the part of all be the keynote at this time”
— CHRIST Himself became the Light of the World and the Prince of Peace —
““Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad” [the second phrase of the first Great Invocation] is that mysterious and divine Entity with Whom the Christ came into touch and Whose influence played through Him at the time that He earned the right to be called the "Prince of Peace." …
“Christ embodied in Himself the cosmic principle of Love, the expression of which in manifestation will work out as "Glory to God, Peace on Earth and Goodwill towards men." To this the angels testified at His birth. When He expressed this principle of Love in His life and world service, He definitely linked up our planet and humanity (in particular) with the Source of the light, love and life to which we refer in this second phrase. This was the world salvation which He brought—a fact which is as yet little realized and which will not be widely recognized until this powerful Invocation has taken due effect.”
“The Spirit of Peace will, when the right time comes, vitalize the responsiveness of humanity, via the influence of the Hierarchy [the Center where the Love of God is known], to the will of God which has for basic intent the bringing of peace on earth.”
“What is peace. It is essentially the establishing of right human relations, of synthetic rapport with its resultant cooperation, of correct interplay between the *three planetary centers [Humanity/Mind, Hierarchy/Love, Shamballa/Will] and an illumined, loving understanding of the will of God as it affects humanity and works out divine intent.
“It is for this reason that the Christ, Who established for the first time in planetary history a contact between the Hierarchy, Humanity, Shamballa and the Spirit of Peace in His Own high place, in His first recorded utterance said that He must be about His Father's business and then at the end of His life, reiterated the same thought in the words: "Father, not my will but Thine be done," thus carrying the thought up to the highest plane, for He addressed the Father, the first Aspect of Divinity. He then focused in Himself the two major divine attributes and aspects—will and love (atma-buddhi)—and because of this, His consciousness became extra-planetary as is the consciousness of the Lord of the World, and He could then touch certain heights of awareness and contact certain solar Agencies which had never before been contacted by man. This achievement enabled Him to put Humanity in touch with the Spirit of Peace. “He thus Himself became the Light of the World and the Prince of Peace.” (The Externalization of the Hierarchy (EXT), 159/61)
CONTEMPLATE. Allow the above ideas to infiltrate you on this Day. To spend “time” directing our thought in this framework of ‘high thinking’ will allow for absorption of these truths — and they will change us.
(William Blake)
The promise of the Spirit of Peace,
an “other worldly light” …
descended during the birth.
‘When the doors of perception are cleansed, everything appears to man as it is ~ Infinite’
◊ Let us now deeply imprint the message of the Christ … infusing our heart-mind with the powers inherent in the following synthesized word phrase:
“Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May Forgiveness on the part of all be the keynote at this time”
◊ “Silence is more powerful than the storm.” Let us move into “the intensity and inner power of Silence”.
we advance toward the 5th LIGHT of Advent — Spiritual Attainment, achieved when imbued with the power of the Christ Spirit — “with us” and “in us” — for the Good of the World.
The deepest imprint of the Christ upon the Soul Star Group — in each of us — as Souls coming forth into greater Christ Hood.
Relight the first four Lights of Advent in the order given, saying:
BE PURE — (1st Light — North),
WE DEDICATE — (2nd Light — South),
LOVE ALL — (3rd Light — East),
WE SERVE — (4th Light — West).
(Now light the Central LIGHT — the 5th ADVENT LIGHT (lit from the 4th), intone:
‘Glory to God, Peace on Earth and Goodwill to All’
“Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad”
~ OM ~
Together with the Christ and ALL serving Souls, we affirm ~
Bringing Peace upon Earth and Goodwill to Humanity
On this Day ~ And in the times ahead.
Let Light and Love and Power Restore the Plan on Earth
Esoteric Psychology-I (EP-I), 311/315:
“Man is a living entity, a conscious son of God (a soul) occupying an animal body. Here lies the point. He is therefore in the nature of a link, and a far from missing link. He unifies in himself the results of the evolutionary process as it has been carried on during the past ages, and he brings into contact with that evolutionary result a new factor, that of an individual self-sustaining, self-knowing aspect. It is the presence of this factor and of this aspect which differentiates man from the animal. It is this aspect which produces in humanity a consciousness of immortality, a self-awareness and a self-centredness which make man truly to appear in the image of God. It is this innate and hidden power which gives man the capacity to suffer which no animal possesses, but which also confers on him the ability to reap the benefits of this experience in the realm of the intellect. This same capacity, in embryo, works out in the animal kingdom in the realm of the instincts. It is this peculiar property of humanity which confers upon it the power to sense ideals, to register beauty, to react sensitively to music, and to enjoy colour and harmony. It is this divine something which makes of mankind the prodigal son, torn between desire for the worldly life, for possessions and experience, and the attractive power of that centre, or home, from which he has come.
“Man stands midway between heaven and earth, with his feet deep in the mud of material life and his head in heaven. In the majority of cases his eyes are closed, and he sees not the beauty of the heavenly vision, or they are open but fixed upon the mud and slime with which his feet are covered. But when his open eyes are lifted for a brief moment, and see the world of reality and of spiritual values, then the torn and distracted life of the aspirant begins.
“Humanity is the custodian of the hidden mystery, and … that which man conceals from the world is also hidden from himself. He knows not the wonder of that which he preserves and nourishes. Humanity is the treasure-house of God (this is the great Masonic secret), for only in the human kingdom, as esotericists have long pointed out, are the three divine qualities found in their full flower and together. In man, God the Father has hidden the secret of life; in man, God the Son has secreted the treasures of wisdom and of love; in man, God the Holy Spirit has implanted the mystery of manifestation. Humanity, and humanity alone, can reveal the nature of the Godhead and of eternal life. To man is given the privilege of revealing the nature of the divine consciousness, and of portraying before the eyes of the assembled sons of God (at the final conclave before the dissolution) what has lain hidden in the Mind of God. Hence the injunction before us today (in the words of the great Christian teacher) to possess in ourselves "the mind of Christ." This mind must dwell in us and reveal itself in the human race in ever greater fullness. To man is given the task of raising matter up into heaven, and of glorifying rightly the form side of life through his conscious manifestation of divine powers.
“To portray adequately the wonder and the destiny of the human kingdom lies beyond my powers or the power of any human pen, no matter how great a man's realisation may be, or his response to the beauty of God's world. Divinity must be lived, expressed and manifested, to be understood. God must be loved, known and revealed within the human heart and brain, in order to be intellectually grasped.
“The hierarchy of mystics, knowers and lovers of God, are manifesting this revealed truth in the world of the mental plane and of the emotional plane today. But the hour has now come when the manifestation of this reality can, for the first time and in truth, manifest itself on the physical plane in an organised group form, instead of through the instrumentality of the few inspired sons of God who have, in past ages, incarnated as the guarantee of the future possibilities. The Hierarchy of Angels and of Saints, of Masters, Rishis and Initiates, can now begin to organise itself in material form on earth, because today the group idea is rapidly gaining ground, and the nature of humanity is being better understood. The Church of Christ, hitherto invisible and militant, can now be seen slowly materialising and becoming the Church visible and triumphant.
“This is the coming glory of the Aquarian Age; this is the next revelation of the evolutionary cycle, and such is the task of the immediate future. The true drama of this triple relationship (of which physical sex, as we have seen, is but the symbol) will be enacted on a large scale in the life of the modern aspirant … We shall see what is called symbolically "the birth of the Christ," or the second birth, taking place in many lives, producing on earth a large group of the spiritually new-born. They will be those who have brought together, consciously and within themselves, the two aspects of soul and body, and thus have consummated the "mystical marriage". The aggregate of these individual happenings will produce a group activity of an analogous kind, and we shall see the emergence on the physical plane of "the body of the Christ," and the appearance of the manifested Hierarchy. This is what is happening today, and all that we see going on around us in the world is but the pangs and the travail which precede this glorious birthing.”
“We are now in the process of this consummation. Hence the difficulty and agony evidenced in the life of every true disciple who—embodying in himself symbolically the two aspects of father-mother, spirit-matter, and having nurtured the Christ child through a period of gestation—is now giving birth to the Christ, within the animal stable and in the manger of the world. In the sum total of the general accomplishment will the entire group achieve and the Christ again appear on earth, incarnated this time in the many and not in the one personality. Yet each member of the group is a Christ in manifestation, and all together present the Christ to the world, and constitute a channel for the Christ force and life.
“It is indeed and in truth from glory to glory that we go. The past glory of individualisation must fade away in that of initiation. The glory of the slowly emerging self-consciousness must be lost to sight in the wonder of the group consciousness of the race, and this the foremost thinkers and workers today most ardently desire. The glory that can be seen faintly shining in humanity, and the dim light which flickers within the human form, must give place to the radiance which is the glory of the developed son of God. Only a little effort is needed, and the demonstration of a steady staying power, to enable those who are now on the physical plane of experience to evidence the radiant light, and to establish upon the earth a great station of light which will illumine the whole of human thought.
“Always there have been isolated light bearers, down the ages. Now the group light bearer will shortly be seen. Then shall we see the rest of the human family (who respond not yet to the Christ impulse) having their progress facilitated towards the path of probation. The work will still be slow, and much yet remains to be done; but if all the aspirants of the world and all the disciples at work in the world today will submerge their personal interests in the task immediately ahead, we shall have what I might pictorially call the opening of a great station of light on earth, and the founding of a power house which will greatly hasten the evolution and elevation of humanity, and the unfoldment of the human consciousness.”
The Ideas and teachings expressed above must eventually be brought into the teachings of the churches today to expand current theology and church doctrines. To understand the big picture that includes the Plan of God and Humanity’s extraordinary destiny would accelerate the religions of the world to meet Humanity’s evolving spiritual needs and hunger for a new light of knowledge, for Truth, for happy relations and for the manifestation of Beauty in the world. Until this happens, unenlightened interpretations, limiting beliefs and tertiary teachings that now inform the schools of thought in religion, will continue to miss the mark of true inspiration and thus lose the energy impact that a truly enlightened teaching would provide. True teachings would bring us close to the heart and mind of Christ and spiritual Hierarchy emulating God. When He comes, He will come as World Teacher.
MAY PEACE BE WITH YOU in the new dawn
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“Legend has it every 25 years an angel touches a single candle, and whomever lights this candle receives a miracle on Christmas Eve.” In 1890, at the dawn of the electric age, this centuries old legend almost came to an end when a young minister arrived to take the place of a former one. Having suffered a tremendous loss, he had had lost his faith. Now, the candlemaker, his wife and the whole town were unknowingly moved to preserve the legacy of the Christmas Candle each finding a miracle. From bestselling author, Max Lucado.”