Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity


ANOINTING THE FEET OF JESUS speaks of a NEW STORY, a NEW PRESENTATION of the FEMININE that must be told, again and again, until it infiltrates the consciousness of Humanity as part of the new world culture.

A redemptive story that has emerged in our life time has had a profound impact on "restoring truth and balance" in the subtle relations between the sexes, and therefore the life of humanity.  Through such stories, we facilitate the restoration of the Divine Feminine — to Her rightful place, from which the fruits and enjoyment of a new civilization can unfold. It can only be built and unfold through true (right) relations flowing through all spiritual and religious circles, new politics and economics, education, and all the walks of life where women live, work, love and serve. In the re-writing of history, her-story must be told to heal the pain still holding sway in the grid field of humanity. We must be in 'right relationship' with truth.

In Christian theology, retelling the story as it was will have a redemptive effect in collective the heart-mind of humanity because truth restores wholeness, and wholeness heals.

Retelling the story as it should have been told is made possible by relatively recent discoveries made in the mid-last century as ancient record scrolls were found in the desert near to where Jesus had lived.  Dead Sea Scrolls were found in caves close to the Dead Sea near Jerusalem, and Gnostic manuscripts or codices were found in clay jars in the Nag Hammadi region of upper Egypt. Both provide proof that many more chapters could have been included in the Bible.  They were excluded through decisions made by church leaders as they organized the Christian religion in the 4th century.

Among the Gnostic texts (codices) was The Gospel of Mary containing references to Mary Magdalene being in close relationship with the Master Jesus and one of his closest senior disciples.  This text is slowly reversing the erroneous story told about her throughout the entire Piscean Age of church history, begun by a Pope conflating Mary Magdalene with other Marys, a common name of that time.  Far from being a scorned 'sinner', the new story describes Mary Magdalene as a consecrated Disciple—a Holy woman, and one who came from a distinguished family. In these texts, it is made clear that she was in fact His most senior disciple when referred to as the "Apostle to the Apostles'.  

Of interest, references were made to her by Jesus as He who 'loved her'.  Reason suggests she may have been his wife as it was common for a Rabbi such as Jesus was, to be married, and for a husband and wife to travel together.  Mary Magdalene was often if not always by his side, as a wife would be — before, during and after his death.  Only close family members would be given rights of access to a burial chamber.  

In Mary's enactment of ritually anointing Jesus' feet with consecrated unguents — precious holy oils, we see Love expressed in holy relationship and mutual recognition of innate Divinity. We see Mary strengthening His life mission, transcending yet including the personal nature of a consecrated, sacramental relationship.  In retelling the story as it should have been told, we unravel the past, we unbind truth from falsity, and we begin to rebuild a new future based upon spiritual truth.  We must uphold the sacred role of women in times past and present to ensure a home of dignity in all dimensions of life. The love, beauty, intelligence, softness and nurturance, vision, wisdom and intelligence, as well as toughness and feminine strength of women can only fully surface and express freely through humanity for world betterment when women are seen and treated as Souls. Beauty and Truth and a true balance in divine polarity is what the new world is calling forth. This is a supremely good thing — it has led to our times of the rise of women to their full stature as Souls, and not as mere servants for the pleasure of men or solely in traditional care-taking roles — yet this is among the noblest of all callings for perpetuating the birth of souls in the human race.

The Feast Day of St. Mary Magdalene instituted by Pope Francis in 2016, is now officially July 22.   This is a Festival that can be celebrated on behalf of the Divine Feminine in Humanity.

What is more, the celebration of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of Christ Jesus, which on higher turns of the Spiral represent a Great Deva/Angel, Mother God, and Virgin Matter — celebrated on August 15 as the Assumption of Mary into Heaven for raising purified matter, and again on her birthday, September 8 — celebrating this birth in all of Humanity. Much more can be said about “Virgin Matter” and its role for birthing the Christ through form. Another time, another year!

Note: among the texts found in Nag Hammadi is the complete Gospel of Thomas containing the "Sayings of Jesus" put into writing by a scribe.


REFLECTION:  Esoterically, what more could the anointing of Jesus' feet by Mary Magdalene suggest?  As a woman, could she represent an aspect of the Divine Feminine? Or love in the flesh, as Woman? ◊ Could she be a symbol for the Divine Other, strengthening both aspects in holy relationship?  All the Mary’s in totality stand as symbols for sanctified matter in service of the Soul and Deity because esoterically ‘Mary refers to the Earth’, therefore to love-filled matter.

Could she have been a vehicle fit for the energy of the Divine Feminine — serving as a conduit of love to strengthen Jesus the Disciple in his chosen Mission?  Did she play an especial role in His life so that he could fulfill his ordained mission as a perfected vehicle for the over-lighting (overshadowing) Presence of the Christ?  Was she a balancing divine feminine polarity for the divine masculine on the outer plane of expression that we all inwardly contain?  Let us Ponder.

RITUAL:  In timeless rituals such as these, we also see demonstrated a tender love between ordinary people where the Soul finds place in sacred relationship — a union that honors, dignifies, heals, strengthens and supports the divine in sacred union.

If touched by any one of these thoughts, ritually anoint the feet of your beloved for having been led to you.

On a higher turn of the spiral, "right human relations" leads to “the reign of Spirit.” We are brought to the “Feet” of the Great Ones.

And for yourself. Anoint your own feet for having led you here, and for still leading you forward. Each is building the Temple of Humanity according to our ray lines: “With Human Feet and Hands the Temple of Humanity Will Be Built”. Give gratitude for the path the Soul brought us into — the “Lighted Way.” Our path will shed light for others to follow.

Remember that through ‘sacred ritual' we honor and draw forth the potency of the Divine that lives inside ourselves and others — until the Day Be With Us when there is no other. Engaging in rituals commemorating the Great Ones who have gone before us, links their past into our present, and provides the continuity for a blessed future. This whole-view understanding of the flow of the sacred brings meaning and purpose into our lives, and restores the sacred if it had been missing.

Let us be mindful. As we "wash our feet" and make our daily ablutions during Easter Holy Week, let us think about, and feel into, what we are doing.  Let us tie our ablutions to universal Truths. Every human being is a microcosmic expression of the cosmos. Attuning with the great Mystery that has brought Avatars such as the Christ to our earth and humanity, we provide a place and space within ourselves to activate the same higher Love and sacred Companionship. Then will Compassion find new avenues to express through. We will discover through the myths written in the stars that we ourselves are the great mystery. We ourselves are reflections of the great Unknown to be found in the deepest recesses of the human heart.


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