(December 2 - 7, 2024)
We join the Solar Angel and the Divine Mother of the World
Invoke often: Consciously Attune. Enter Sacred Space. “Let Be”.
Many are the ways to access the higher inner worlds. Our means of access will be through a "vibrational portal” — into a living reality of the sacred where hierarchies of Angels live and great Beings of Love and Light and Holy Will. Through unified group alignments, meditation, reflection and contemplation, sacred text and music, beholding sacred imagery, invocation and evocation, and Words of power … in group approach as the Soul Star Group we come into resonant vibration with the inner worlds.
We Commit. We Gather. We Attune. We Labor — In Love.
Inner Preparation: Dedication, Organization, Inward Orientation
During the Christ-Mass season, individually and as a group, we are RETREATING inward. Dedicated, self-organized, inwardly oriented, let us set our intention for a sacred journey through successive mountains of Consciousness. Mountain the First begins with Purity.
As we enter through the portal of ‘sacred time and sacred space’ our ascent begins with the Solar Angel (the Angel of the Presence) and the Madonna Laboris Who will be with us for the duration. In fact and in truth, irrespective of personal or inherited beliefs, The Angel of the Presence is inherently with us — guiding our internal process toward full Self-realization, revelation and eventual liberation. Hence the counsel to ‘invoke often’. The ancient Egyptians and early monastic Christian orders followed the rhythm of the Sun – sunrise, mid-day, high noon, after-noon, sunset and midnight to connect with Source for Inspiration to maintain a continuity of Consciousness. We can if we choose do the same.
The Master DK advised, during rhythmic times of spiritual focus, whilst actively living and serving in the world of form, "at no time—whilst so occupied—are we to lose sight of our inner orientation and recollection. All the time we are outwardly busy, we simultaneously are occupied with a constant realization of a retreat inward, a heightening of our vibration, and a raising of our consciousness." (DNA-II, 56)
We must learn to fuse our outer activity with our inner orientation to work in the manner of "one blended, concentrated spiritual activity."
How we consciously use our time, how we sanctify our environments, how we move through life (physically, emotionally and mentally), what we choose to focus on … all determine how wide the inner door swings open to the vibrational subtle worlds of Soul and Spirit — where live the Angels, where walk the Masters of Love-Wisdom in whose vibrations we aspire to stand.
The Christ Mass season always begins in the sign and energy stream of Sagittarius whose Keynote is:
“A beam of directed, focused Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the center of the light.” “With Power upon its beam, the Light is focused on the Goal”.
The Key Word of the Soul is: “I see the Goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.” May the words of this final injunction to the disciple carry meaning to the heart and mind.” (EA, 193)
◊ In this Keynote and Word phrase of Power, let us reflect again upon our purpose together.
The Soul, “the Christ in you”, is a matrix of energies connected to and fed by deeper (higher) energies from the plane of the Monad — God Within, seated in Being. The Soul looks in two directions – to Spirit, the Father in Heaven and to the 3-fold personality instrument embedded in Mother Matter when in incarnation. Tasked to purify and create a fit instrument of expression for the higher nature — it is eventually raised to “Heaven”, the esoteric meaning of the Assumption of Mary. Raising the matter aspect of the personality onto the first plane of atomic vibration is both the culmination of a long process begun eons ago, and a new beginning. The Transfiguration Initiation (3rd degree) demonstrated for us by Christ Jesus the Initiate was the revelation of the Glory Body revealing a beauteous array of color and sound. This was followed by the Renunciation Initiation (4th degree) through the Law of Repulse of what the lower planes of desire for living had previously compelled. Mastery over all the lower sub-planes within oneself leads to a more perfect union with the Soul, and eventually with Spirit. The ultimate freedom is Being, freed from the lower planes of existence to reveal new pathways, new contacts and still greater Revelations.
Throughout this process in time and space, the disciple initiate is inwardly compelled to serve others and the Plan of God. Joy, compassion and forward movement intertwine. After finding the path, we become the Path and discover, “To give and to receive are one in Truth.” (ACIM, Lesson 108)
Let us now enter into 'sacred time' and 'sacred space' — visualizing the place where we are sitting as a temple for the Soul.
Light a light unto the Christ in the stillness of your Mind, sounding the Sacred Word, OM, (silently or aloud) feeling its vibration.
Let us step deeper now, more fully, into the Soul and Soul field of vibration whilst breathing into the Silence … Identify as the Soul (not as the personality form) ~ as higher Light, higher Love, and Holy Will … thence flowing to and through the form.
Sounding forth the Sacred Word, OM, breathe in "the Breath of Life pouring through all the centers" ... releasing atoms of lesser vibration from the temporary and ever-changing vehicles of expression (mind, emotions, body).
Now with intense Soul aspiration, attune to a still higher vibration … breathing in atoms of higher light, higher love, and Holy Will … whilst sounding the sacred Word, heightening every center — affirming the new vibration. ◊ Allow the energy to circulate from the Crown through the central column, passing through all the etheric Centers of the subtle bodies — to "Bless the Earth upon which we walk." ◊ The energy circulates "whence it came" (in the central column, or as an ovoid of circulating light encompassing the entire etheric body) — to the Crown.
◊ In this heightened solar vibration, attune now with the Soul Star Group — entering the Group's vibrational field. Visualize our collective Group coming into vibrational resonance with the field of "The Christ Circle" … visible to the inner eye as a radiant Sphere of luminous Light, all-inclusive Love and Holy Will.
◊ As contact is made, energy begins to flow to and through the group … ◊ We can if we choose, connect with the Christ by extending a beam of light to Him through the Central Star — HIs symbol. When contact is made, we can sense, feel, vibrant atoms of Christic Love and Light touch, reach deep inside our heart-mind … of all here gathered — creating a unified Solar field of group vibration — a network of One Heart-One Mind-One Body … (Pause)
◊ Let us now visualize the Christ Star as a magnanimous group Heart rhythmically pulsing the Cosmic Christ Principle streaming from the Star Sirius to and through the “Heart of the Sun” — the “Son of Divine Love” — a Great Heart Center in this Solar System … streaming through the solar system and reaching our planet Earth. (Pause)
Know Love’s response — the Gift Waves of the Christ pour through all consecrated Soul Groups dedicated to loving and serving Humanity, thereby uplifting Humanity.
◊ Let us give Gratitude for these Teachings and potent alignments. Sounding the sacred Word, OM, we confirm our heightened vibration.
Having received, let us now give, extending to our co-workers, our closest relations and humanity ~
We begin with the Sacred Word, OM,
and sound the GREAT INVOCATION - CLICK HERE (for the words)
Or choose the following Invocation whilst holding the group in Heart and Mind:
Invocation of “THE FORCES OF LIGHT”
‘Let the Forces of Light bring illumination to mankind.
Let the Spirit of Peace be spread abroad.
May people of goodwill everywhere meet in a spirit of cooperation.
May forgiveness on the part of all be the keynote at this time.
Let power attend the efforts of the Great Ones.
So let it be, and help us to do our part.’
(EXT 25/6)
In His first Advent 2000 years ago, Christ opened the door to Divine Love releasing into the world the potency of the “Saving Force”.
All who learn to truly Love and all who embody Love, carry a measure of the Saving Force within them that heals and salvages the world in our daily responses to life.
Mountain the First will transmit this theme of focus with the Madonna Laboris.
We shall deepen the Love of God in our lives, opening a channel for the Saving Force that also flows through the Feminine aspect of Divinity. We shall come to know the fires of Love expressing through the Divine Mother as the Madonna Laboris.
Our Sun and Solar System is a Heart Center in the body of a vastly greater BEING comprised of Seven Solar Systems referred to in the Blue Books (by Alice Bailey) as the “One About Whom Naught May Be Said” (OAWNMBS). LOVE, the middle principle, is the goal of OUR SUN. In THIS ONENESS, all life LIVEs, MOVEs, BREATHEs AND HAS ITS BEING. Likewise, in our beautiful blue planet, we too ‘breathe, live, move and have our Being’. Let us be grateful for our blue Earth.
Why The Madonna Laboris? The world is in great need of the Divine Feminine Principle of Divinity to “BE With US” at this time, in full power. Here we meet the VIRGIN MOTHER, a FEMININE CHRIST, expressing as the Madonna Laboris.
She stimulates the Christ or Soul nature for birth in full expression. Compassion is Her Keynote. Sin is understood for what it is, a temporary fall from grace, as the ego causes separation from the Soul. The Divine Mother principle brings us back to our inner Christ nature giving us a life-line.
The white scarf of salvation is meant to be a symbol of the uplifting power of the Soul. It is a vibrational experience and can manifest in a myriad of ways — as a sudden soul grace in the midst of a difficult situation, as synchronicity, or magical happenings, as union and unity after separation, as Forgiveness that only knows giving Love, or as moving beyond negative karmic conditioning (patterns) to a higher way of grace and ease.
All the planes of the manifested world are in constant change and movement. When we are about “our Father’s business”, we are birthing a new world civilization for the coming Age in accord with God’s Plan. “Heaven on Earth” will manifest through the Soul of Humanity in all varied expressions and departments of living - not just the spiritual or religious line.
During the Christmas Advent month, a great gift to give Humanity is to see it, vision it, as a sphere of Living Light comprised of a beauteous collective rainbow culture of Soul Rays affirming “We are One Soul, One Humanity” bringing rainbow Lights, one to another. As we do, divisions and color blinded prejudices that cause harm, one to another, slow down, dissipate, transform and cease.
As we bring intentional, magnified light and love into the world through our organized focus — of inner practices, ritual ceremonies, meditations and prayers, we are in essence saying: This is Christmas.
In this Light, a new spiritual practice emerged, linking the sign Sagittarius and its gift of Vision and “Soul Direction.”
A MALA of 108 beads corresponds with the 108 Kumaras surrounding planet Earth. Remembering that Mary is esoterically associated with our Earth, the following practice would be fruitful. All of humanity’s woes are due to not living as Souls — not having a connection with the Soul.
Let us engage 108 Kumaras to stimulate ~
We would begin and end, intoning the following invocation in its entirety on the central Bead. For the beads in between, we intone just the first phrase — “Soul Direction Through All Beings”, round the circle returning to the main bead to complete the sequence.
"Soul Direction Through All Beings.
Above, Below,
Within, Without,
Soul Direction Through All Beings."
Aquarian Blue Madonna (photographed and rendered by BZ and HBH for Esoteric Advent)
Life Lines of Compassion are ever with us in the Ever-Presence of the Divine Mother.
The Compassionate Heart tenders a luminous life-line on the path of return to Wholeness.
In the word phrase “Let Be” we find our deepest Salvation.
THE MADONNA LABORIS depicts a story from an apocryphal gospel.
"In the transcendent heights above earth's vibration stand the gates of Heaven. The Apostle Peter, sacristan of paradise, guards the gates.
Peter became disturbed and said to the Lord God: “All day long I watch the gates of Paradise; I do not let anyone in, yet in the morning there are newcomers in Paradise.”
And the Lord said: “Let us make the rounds at night, Peter, and see.”
So they went in the night and they saw the Holy Virgin lowering along the wall her snow-white scarf, up which souls were climbing.
Peter took this to heart and wanted to interfere, but the Lord whispered:
“Shh… let Be…”
(Story and painting by Nicholas Roerich, Realm of Light, To Womanhood, 1931)
DURING THIS WEEK OF ADVENT, we will heighten our feeling nature by bringing all lower thoughts and emotions “into the sacred” — through the Madonna Laboris (or Divine Mother) and HEART of the Christ within. As our astral emotions are purified and become attuned to a higher correspondence on the Buddhic Plane — that of pure feeling, then that which is lower is reconstituted by that which is higher. We then reflect pure Love and Intuition of "Buddhi".
Feeling embraced (on all levels) by the substantive Presence of the Holy One in the world—we come to realize GOD’s Divine Love as Mercy, Compassion and an ever-present embrace— always with us, substantiating the fabric of Being.
MOTHER GOD is the Holy Substance behind every form. Mother God sub-stands and embodies. She is ‘substantive existence’ – the essence of all forms. Through Her came the manifested world.
The essence of the DIVINE MOTHER is known by many names and attributes oft referred to as the ‘Thousand Faces’ of the Divine Feminine. In this first week, She comes to us as the Madonna Laboris, a saving force so needed by Humanity today and the sentient life on earth at this time of human history, now more than ever. Let us welcome Her into our lives fully, to experience Her richness, fullness and gifts. Her Presence with us is the most valued Gift.
Let the door open.
Affirm and multiply all the treasures abiding in the “Chalice” in the coming New Year!
“In the spirit of each man lives the principle of good, which can saturate the whole being if these energies of Light are consciously invoked. … In its seed each spirt knows the truth manifested by quiet currents; hence, this immersing directs the spirt to right thinking. The Consciousness of unity can open all the locks which separate from the Higher Truth. The world of the spirt needs to be understood. Thus, everyone can evoke a most subtle current from the depths of the heart. The best conduit to the Fiery World is the depths of the heart; therein is hidden the Cosmic Fire”. (Fiery World, Sloka 129)
We place around our head (or neck) the WHITE SCARF of PURITY … reminding us of the SAVING FORCE that is ever with us.
With these thoughts in mind, we invoke the Madonna Laboris (music playing):
God as Mother extends into the deepest recesses of our nature, healing to wholeness. As we open to Her energy, She reaches toward us, into us, over us, around us … embracing us softly with an all-pervading, penetrating Love. Hear Her words ~ “Let Go” and “Let Be”. (Pause now …)
As we enter more deeply into Her reality … we allow Her Holy energy to participate with us and through us — an ever-present loving Companion of Grace flowing through us …. stilling the mind … filling the Heart full with the fire of Pure Love. (Pause)
Come Into Her Presence ... a gentle fire … a magnanimous Presence reaching toward us ... surrounding and suffusing us with Her Grace. (Pause)
◊ We Remember:
Reflect upon Grace. See how it shows itself, remember and sense how it feels, remember an experience of Grace.
Reflect upon your experiences of healing arising out of Love and Compassion.
How has the Saving Force been moving through your life? Remember a time when.
Know that Her life-line is ever present for the asking, in every deepest need and circumstance ... in every shadow ... as a presence of Compassion, as a presence teaching us Her Way.
◊ And now — ask Madonna Laboris to extend to you a "life line” for a specific action in need of Her Presence ... to “Let Be” in a higher Way. (Receive Her Blessing now ~ when we ask, we open a channel of reception within ourselves to receive).
Videos to support this day — to choose from:
◊ John Lennon — Let It Be (remastered, youtube)
◊ Eric Clapton, Luciano Pavarotti, East London Gospel Choir - Holy Mother (Live)
◊ It is Well with My Soul - Hugh Bonneville Christmas Concert Narration
Recognize the Saving Force flowing through us and through Humanity ~ healing hopelessness, losses and separation.
To know this “Power” intimately, come back to it again and again on this day, this week and entire Advent period. Reflecting on your own life now, recognizing the Presence of the Saving Force, how have you been “saved” for a higher purpose?
Extend the Saving Force to someone you know in need or on a wider scale — whether it be a troubling situation at hand, or a larger context in the world today. Allow Her to Be With You through your Heart, Mind, energy Field, Aura, Soul — through our hands and feet — directing this Energy.
“Let It Be”
Later in the Day … or evening review, reflect:
Remember a time when you sensed this divine energy at play, today (or past).
Remember a time when this happened for someone you know, past or present.
Recognize the Saving Force as a power at work in the world today. It is not always soft. It has also been known as a powerful force (a Fire) of intercedence “making things right”.
◊ ◊ ◊
Ever-Present, the Holy Mother works within ~ substantively, subtly, sub-atomically … Recognize Her Ways.
Today, let us recognize “the ways” the Saving Force works — in and through Humanity, our groups, and our lives — in us, through us. Grace extends into the world, no place untouched. Let us reach for it (invoke it), let us create space for it, let us open and allow it in.
Blessedness descends like a soft energy, a blanket of refined energy, that has the potential to change our conditions, our conditioning, every-thing. May this HOLY energy land in our lives and BE WITH US throughout these days — in new as well as old ways.
May all Be Well with You, Soul
May all Be Well with our Soul Group (s)
May all Be Well with Humanity
Christ said to His Disciples,
~ May all Be Well With You ~
Let Be
Blessed Be
Return to the image of The Madonna Laboris (and with music of your choice).
Today, we Open to the Madonna Laboris as Forgiveness - For Giving Love
◊ For the energy of Love to find fuller entry “in and through” our lives — to find fuller residence, permitting humble strength in our spheres of service and influence, our own energy fields must be cleared of all grievances that cause separation, old holdings, fixed perceptions caused by judgements, pride, fear — any low frequency impurities that still remain in residence. Once cleared and purged from our system, we find our own freedom of release — an ongoing, increasing lightness of being. ◊ REFLECT AND ALLOW THIS NOW.
◊ Forgiveness, as taught by the Christ, is the most powerful, thorough, and “simplest” of all methods for releasing the past (the old) to allow the new — a higher new order, to come in. Forgiveness, as Christ taught to His disciples, is a meta-physical life-line for new energy and new conditions to radically replace the former. Forgiveness is powerful because it is “for giving love”. To For-Give is to Give Love. Forgiveness directs the ‘power of Love’ to flow through a chosen form, action, relationship, feeling state, or line of thought. “Let Be” now takes on new meaning.
◊ Is there someone — a person, relationship, situation, feeling state, thought, or thing … or a local or world condition, that would benefit from the Life-Line of Forgiveness implemented and supplemented by the Love of the Madonna Laboris?
Forgiveness is ‘For Giving' Divine Love and Compassion.
◊ For-Giving Love Diamond Soul Practice:
“For-Giveness” is big Medicine. It will “undo” energy patterns that “need to go”.
Who will you “for-give” today? What situation, group, person — will you assist to bring into a new energy field by “for-giving” for rising today ?
Bring to mind someone (something). Say as a Soul: “I forgive you ____________. Forgive me”. (Saying Forgive Me is also a necessary part of the equation because it allows energy to flow in both directions).
Offer it now with the Madonna Laboris, visualizing the Life-Line of the power of Love pouring into this person, situation, group or condition.
GRACE follows
◊ Conclude by sounding the Second Stanza of the Great Invocation.
"From the Point of Love within the Heart of God,
Let Love Stream Forth into the Hearts of Men (into Human Hearts),
May Christ (The Coming One) Return to Earth".
Sense the Hierarchy — the Center where the Love of God is Known — standing behind us, with us.
Walk into your Day today feeling ‘flowed-through’ with the Grace and Power of Divine Compassion, held in God's Care.
"Let Be"
Christ said, "I will send you the Comforter". As we extend blessing, the Comforter works through us, renewing us in the higher state of unity and oneness, with the power that Is. We become bestowers of “forgivingness” … our etheric white scarves blessing all we touch … working with the Holy Spirit as Comforters.
The Comforter is presenced when solace is needed — when the heart is open, an all-encompassing, pervading Presence of Holy Companionship comes.
The Comforter can also be accessed through Beauty … Truth …. expressions of Goodness, settling like a Presence … creating a heightening, lifting atmosphere of fullness and wholeness. These too are Life-lines.
Reflecting on these words, call to mind a time in your life when you have been profoundly comforted, lifted, or inspired by the Holy presence of a Comforter … by what could be the presence of the Solar Angel … or the presence of a Being such as Beauty … The Good … Truth … Purity.
Recognize these named Presences as embodied higher Beings, sent by the HOLY SPIRIT — the Comforter — in God’s many mansioned universe.
◊ ◊ ◊
Identify with, Call In, Be One With, Be a living Being Of:
◊ Beauty: Lived — Be a life-line of Beauty today, magnetizing a new world unfolding
◊ Truth: Lived — Be a life-line of Truth today, recognizing Truth revealing the Divine Pattern
◊ The Good: Lived — Be a life-line of Goodness today, extending the power of God making all things Right and Good.
◊ Purity: Lived — Be a life-line of Purity today lifting all unto a higher order of Being
Opened to the Blessings of the Holy Comforter ~ Ask ~ how to offer, how to extend — in what way. Trust your perceptions, your guidance …
Thence, step into the world to serve with the energies of the Holy Comforter presenced, living through you.
Know that inner and outer life conditions will be lifted thereby.
◊ At the end of this day, notice how ‘the world’ – ‘your world’ — all whom you have touched — has been changed or altered, expanded or enriched, receptive to the treasures of the higher worlds of our ‘living universe’ through the agency of the Comforter, the Holy Spirit.
Through vibrational resonance, we contact and are “lived through” by the livingness of these Beings from the higher worlds.
Returning to the Madonna Laboris, let us be in the Silence of Her Being, in the field of Grace, simply and profoundly allowing Her Love to flow through us.
In this state of Grace, Love, Power, Joy flows.
Let us understand that one of the Faces (Forces) of the Divine Feminine is the Divine Mediatrix Who brings together opposing forces, reconciling light and dark.
We step into the field of the “Divine Mediatrix” today as a “Presence” in the Soul field … bringing all the Ways of the Saving Force Together in the ever-Presence of Cosmic Solar Love.
The WAY of the Divine Feminine works through all sentient beings, all form manifestations in the diversity of life. We are Her conduits today as the life aspect of these forces dance, play together, work together for noble goals, objectives and facets of expression in the ‘Way of Being’.
"Let Us Be" a living matrix of Harmony today reconciling light and dark, high and low, this and that.
◊ Look for this today — for the mediating influences ‘wholing' conflicting conditions, bringing them to higher Lights and new Order — to "Truth” — Beauty — greater “Goodness” — allowing new energy to flow through them, bringing new ways for higher solutions — soul-utions — allowing “truer”, bettering, healing expressions to emerge — and Life power flowing through them All.
As more of the Christ Consciousness flows through us, Love becomes the Power that makes all things New.
“Pure Love will neutralize the conflicting dualities of the astral plane.”
Today let us intone:
"Let Light and Love and Power Restore the Plan on Earth"
(Standing within the Soul Star Group, we sound forth this 'Word of Power' often today)
EVENING REVIEW — review what dualities, what opposites were brought into a new zone by the influence of the Mediatrix mediating opposites.
◊ John Lennon — Let It Be (remastered, youtube)
FRIDAY - Venus Day
Returning to the Madonna Laboris, let us “be in the Silence” of the field of Grace … in an abiding purity, potency and Love
The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin has esoteric meanings upon which to contemplate:
Contemplate the immaculate (pure) conception of Being as Essential Divinity
Contemplate "Conceiving" pure Light
Contemplate the virginal state — the archetype, divine pattern — shining perfectly through us
Contemplate the purified form, every atom raised, coursing with spiritual power
Contemplate the life force of Spirit as virginal essence having residence in us
Contemplate spiritual attainment achieved through sacrifice, humility of spirit and obedience to the Soul
Contemplate the lower fires of desire transmuted into pure Divine Love — “LOVE is a radiant LIGHT”
Contemplate perfect at-one-ment
Madonna Laboris labors day and night “Saving and Redeeming.” The Divine Mother calls into activity the Holy Spirit '— saving our-selves unto our-Selves', undoing our mis-creations, restoring a perfect pattern. The Virgin Madonna holds before our inner eye the pure pattern, the intended Archetype to which we are returning. The Madonna Laboris holds for us a Life-line to the Holy pattern of God … ending strife born of mis-creation. ◊ Reflect.
Divine Mother Love ~ Is
Responds to calls for help through the Angelic Kingdom that is Her Body. Lost, troubled souls caught in the thralldom of the lower worlds — a vibratory hell of lower fires oft born of choices made and lived, are given a way out — a life-line to “heaven”. ◊ Reflect upon the life-line as a saving force. ◊ What constitutes a life-line in your world? ◊ What are the visible life-lines in the world today?
The Divine Mother has presided over the nurturing, birthing process of the Christ within for aeons … round and round the constellations, guiding every unfolding Soul to the divine inner pattern, releasing inner Christ Potential. ◊ Reflect
Visualize forward movement upon the Lighted Way—the Golden Path of the Soul … leading to the Diamond path of Spirit.
As Redemptrix, the Soul is nurtured into full flowering.
As evolving Souls, we are increasingly released from the grip of the lower worlds — from fear, materialism and the downward pull of the unredeemed lower self.
Rising on the luminous bridge of unfolding Awareness (higher Mountains of Light and whole perception), the powers inherent in the "Soul-Self" are released.
The vibrational bridge of consciousness continues expanding, eventually leading to the high ways of Spirit and ultimate Freedom. The path of the Soul leading to the essential Self comes into fuller expression through life in form as we walk the planes of Earth, meeting challenging conditions in service, whilst evolving our Christhood. ◊ Reflect
What Awareness is rising in you now?
We confirm the process of redemption — an alchemical process, accomplished and growing in power through Venus and the Solar Angel (the Solar Angels came to Earth through Venus and Sirius).
The Venusian Mind awakens and nurtures our higher potentialities — revealing the Christ within and the pure vibration of “the Presence” — Spirit — the ineradicable and unalterable nature of Being.
The Intuition, through its spiritual power to discern, leads the way.
◊ See the "ways" redemption is changing you (remembering the Soul is the true Redeemer). How is spiritual Alchemy changing you?
◊ Really "see the ways" in which we as Individual Lights within the Body Collective are changing the world. This is an important spiritual practice. Changing our perception to "see whole" is an advanced spiritual practice that widens the channel. Fragmented perception sees fragments, whole perception, healed whole, sees whole. (Venus higher Mind, abstract Buddhic Mind, Pure Reason — Loving Mind).
As high Thought — a force, joins "Consciousness" (Soul Awareness), and aligns with beneficent forces moving rhythmically through the universe, we participate in the great chain of Being. We create a bridge to Life. We subtly activate creative forces. We strengthen our hands and “the hands of all true servers". We play in concert with a great symphony — the Plan of God, and thus we serve.
“When we are exalted and illumined in our thinking, darkness disappears.”
◊ A star is rising in the East. It is the Star of the redeemed life whose purity is “true” — luminous and beautiful to behold. This rising star brings new vision to the mind — it vibrates to a heavenly hierarchy of Love, and guides unerringly as a Divine Presence. ◊ Contemplate the rising star — in you, now.
"From the Point of Light within the Mind of God,
Let Light stream forth into Human Minds,
Let Light Descend on Earth"
"Let Light and Love and power Restore the Plan on Earth"
SATURDAY — Saturn’s Day
On this day made whole (made holy) by the pattern of and distribution of hierarchical energies, we attune to the Will of God and the Divine Plan.
The Will of God — the Will to Good and higher Law finds entry through the Soul Star Group, and all consecrated serving Groups, for anchoring on Earth.
Today let us be conduits for directing the Saving Force (radiated by the Madonna Laboris) energy through the Soul Star Group — “Let It Be” a Saving Force for a troubled and suffering world.
◊ Let us Invoke with clarion Consciousness, the “SAVING FORCE” for the Soul of Humanity, the Soul of Our Nations and the Soul of the Earth by consciously standing within this energy field as a Soul Group. OM
Let us Be attuned to the ways in which we cooperate with It, allowing these energies to flow through our thoughts, feelings and actions. Let us come to recognize this Force clearly and intimately.
◊ PLANETARY HEART PRACTICE: Look upon the Soul of your Nation as a Group Soul. It thrives through your Soul-recognition of Its strengths, unique qualities and gifts to the world. Hold the Soul of your nation in the Radiant Light of Love. Link your Heart with the Heart of the Soul Star Group with the Heart of the Soul of your Nation. Link this "triune Heart" with the Heart of the World Mother, the Heart of the Lord of Love and the Heart of the Lord of the World. Link this triune Heart with the Heart of the Solar Logos — the Son of Divine Love.
“The Good” is a powerful force, a potency of God. Standing within the energy field of the Soul Star Group linked with “the great potency of the inner Groups”, see the power of “The Good” pouring into your nation, suffusing and irradiating the Soul of ____________ with a higher vibration — righting wrongs, purifying mis-creations, aligning with higher values and Truth (speak into the field with your own words what is needed). Visualize the Good streaming through the Soul of your nation — disappearing the darkness of illusions, ill-begotten gains, materialistic values … setting a new course.
◊ Encourage the efficacy of the Saving, Redeeming Force to move through the birthing hours of the collective Soul of Humanity coming forth … thus confirming this process in our own lives as a "redeeming Fire” found upon the “Lighted Way", extending into the world.
Visualize the Radiant Light of Love from the Heart of the Solar Logos as the sun rises on this day — as a redeeming Fire, a Saving Force — (remembering that all seven Rays flow through the Solar Ray of Love-Wisdom).
With the power of Thought, direct this force Collectively, where there is miscreation, pain, sorrow and illusion — bring this radiant Light of Love that is the Will of God — the “Will to Good” streaming through the Solar System — into those place(s), lifting all to a higher way, to better ways for all.
Thus the Planet Earth becomes sacred outwardly (knowing what it already is inwardly Is).
"The Saving Force Be With You” — extending to and through the Souls of All Nations, … the Soul of Humanity, … the Soul of the Earth, … thence sounding:
"From the Center Where the Will of God is Known,
Let Purpose Guide all Human Will.
The Purpose Which the Masters Know and Serve.”
“Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.”
Sound these words of power whenever we see the need for the Saving Force in the world, and, whenever we see the Saving Force ‘at play’ as Grace, confirming and strengthening the Will of God in the world — in relationships, in families, among groups, … among all Nations.
Queen of Angels - bringing healing.
(A. Krumins)
We live in an “entified universe" made of angelic substance and intelligences, and embodied by Compassionate Love
Mother of the World
Madonna Laboris
“The Mother of the World—is a sublime manifestation of the Feminine Principle of Divinity”.
The Madonna Laboris is a living expression of the Principle of Divinity.
Together they are a potent Saving Force for the Soul of Humanity preparing the Way for the Coming One—and for all Coming Ones in Humanity’s future:
Let us Be inspired, Let us Be lifted high by the Saving Force of GOD. "Invoke Often".
Let us Be instruments of It's Good - for the Good in the world to come forth.
Let us Be comforted and confirmed by It's living power.
Let us Be Lived-through by the Saving Force of Redemption, by the Divine Mediatrix, by the Holy Spirit and Comforter.
Let us Be in-formed and flowed-through by the living Presence of the Divine Feminine that sub-stands life on Earth … and So Live.
“From the Center which we call the Human Race.
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out,
And May It seal the door where evil dwells.
“Let Light and Love and Power Restore the Plan on Earth."
SHE WHO HOLDS THE WORLD (Nicholas Roerich)
Tomorrow we Light the Second Advent Light, and Monday begins Week Two.
PLEASE NOTE: The musical offerings in these pages are selections from an assortment of gifted musicians. We can easily add them to our collection through purchases on iTunes, other online methods or in music stores. When enjoying their music, we honor and support their livelihood by doing so.
Music by HAROLD G. MOSES can be ordered by contacting him directly at his email address:
Director: The Institute of Harmonic Science - a 501c3
Composer • Performing Artist • Intuitive Musical Readings
Harmonic Consultant • Harmonics For All, LLC
Music by Michael Robbins - The Great Invocation and other music rituals can be ordered through
The image of the Soul Star Group was created by Simon Bialobroda.
Images found on the internet by unknown artist's are not attributed. The use of these images are considered "fair use" under the Creative Commons Copyright for educational purposes. If you are an artist herein and would like your name attributed and/or desire your contact information be provided for viewers, please write: We are grateful for all contributions of beauty and support for the common good.
All the work of Esoteric Advent is © Copyright protected.
Esoteric Advent needs your financial support. Please consider making monthly, seasonal or annual contributions
ESOTERIC ADVENT WEBSITE: Creative design, construction and written content — By Halina Bak-Hughes. I can be contacted by writing The content of this website is in process of being made into a book — and a series of books.