Looking Ahead - March 2020
Original Letter for Webinar on 3/21/20 follows here, followed by various links referred to during webinar
3-19-20 Dear Friends upon the Lighted Way,
We've had some inner promptings that were met by promptings from Participating Souls within the Esoteric Advent community, to come together on-line. It is an inner urge to come together and share in a deeper meeting space what is in our hearts and on our minds as happenings in the world unfold with seeming rapid lightening speed - the CV pandemic, effects on world markets, longed for social responses, significant "risings", and the unknown.
What is really happening, spiritually, behind these outer events? How are we choosing to stand inwardly - and with each other? Is love our predominant note? Or fear? Are we seeing the significant spiritual opportunities at hand as a new phase for a "unified Humanity" is born through these crises, affecting every conscious individual and world group. As we expand our awareness to "see" through the broader lens of the whole as One, what comes into clarity, what do we see - what is possible - what wants to emerge?
To have this conversation, we are scheduling a Zoom webinar on 21 March, this Saturday (in the northern hemisphere) at 11 AM PDT / 6 PM GMT. CLICK (or copy paste) this link to Join Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/944739180
The same link can be found on the Esoteric Advent website, Lent, Part IV and V, Saturday: https://www.esotericadvent.org/esoteric-lent-part-iv-and-v-2020
Several among this group have been participating in the spiritual disciplines of Esoteric Lent that began in the energy field of the rising light of Pisces, today giving way to the resurrection energy of Aries as the sun moves into Aries on March 19.
In preparation for the Zoom webinar, please review the sections of Esoteric Advent - Lent to date. Ask yourself, what stands out for you, what have you learned, what challenges you, what are your victories. How have you applied the teachings to the present world crisis. And, what would you share if given an opportunity to speak and share with others?
After a brief meditation and some opening thoughts from us, we'll open the space to the group to begin a conversational sharing. This is for you, for all of us, to be together and meet as one mind, one heart, and one higher will -- ultimately in service of the present crisis for a "rising humanity".
See you soon. If you cannot attend, a recording will be made available - write here to ask for it.
With Love and Blessings,
Halina and Sheldon
Friends - we had a rich and purposeful Soul gathering today that strengthened and also lightened us as we face the current and coming challenges presented by the CV. Thank you to all who attended and to all who contributed … spoken or not.
Profound awareness, wise action and deep compassion is needed for each other and for all the world. This phase of “Now” is a time we have been preparing for.
Let us continue our sharing and momentum on this forum for bringing more support and light for the world.
Here are links to three papers mentioned in today’s webinar:
CLICK HERE for David Spangler - From Lorian Foundation
CLICK HERE for Esoteric Healing - Causes of Diseases
CLICK HERE for Letter from Jean Houston to the world; Corona Virus Pandemic
A special link to lift our spirits:
Leonard Cohen, London 2008. Song - Anthem … the crack that lets the light in
In 2008, the world went through a global financial crisis. Is the CV Pandemic today a new and deeper world wide “crack”?
COPY AND PASTE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48AJBXs5dNc
Click on the word “Comments” below. After a few seconds, a box will open wherein you can make a post. When you are ready to post, click Post and simply click on Guest and Post. There is no need to Log In because I am not requiring a Pass Word at this time.
A SHORT two minute Video giving a beautiful whole Soul perspective of the CV pandemic for Humanity. “Thank you Corona Virus”
April 2, 2020
Dear Friends Upon the Lighted Way,
We are planning another Zoom meeting this Saturday, April 4 to gather the forces garnered during our 40 day Esoteric Lenten process - in the context of "Covid-19 round two, and entry into Esoteric Easter Holy Week on Sunday and the Aries 7-Day Full moon process beginning Saturday! We have so much spiritual energy supporting us and the world during these spiritual festivals and Holy Day observances when we tap in together as groups.
On the Webinar Tab (now next to the Esoteric Lent tab), we will place a link offering some quotes from our weeks together for you to read in advance to spur your thinking and reflect upon what has happened for you and strengthened you during this time. Another approach of course would be for you to review the Days or "Parts".
This time, we will begin with a meditation in the beginning of the opening so please try to arrive on time.
The link to join the webinar follows below, and will also be found on Part VI of Esoteric Lent and also on the Webinar Tab!
We very much look forward to being with you again. The energy is mounting. Let us avail ourselves of it as a group.
With the Love and Blessings of the Soul Star Group,
Halina and Sheldon
Date and Time Time: Saturday, April 4 at 11:00 am Pacific; 2:00 pm Eastern; 6 pm GMT; 7 pm London
TRUTH AND FICTION OF THE CORONA VIRUS by Gregg Braden - highly recommended