Esoteric Advent

SOL INVICTUS UNIVERSALIS: Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices and Spiritual Rituals for the Heart of the Christ and the Soul of Humanity

(Daily Editing in process - make sure to refresh your URL DAILY !)

WEEK TWO — THE SECOND MOUNTAIN: December 8 - 14 (Monday through Saturday)


WEEK two

MOUNTAIN the second

“i dedicate” ~ the Higher Vibrations of Love~

the goal

TOGETHER WE onward move

Come Here Often. Consciously Attune. Enter into Sacred Space. Invoke often.

Through our ritual process of united gathering as the Soul Star group, intent to be in resonance with the vibration of the Christ and spiritual Hierarchy, we are attuned. Life as a living ritual becomes causal, creating new meaning and magical effect in our lives.

Listening to sacred music, beholding sacred imagery, contemplating sacred text, holding an interior focus, invoking the spiritual Hierarchy and hierarchy of Angels, we enter through the “living" portal of the second Mountain of Consciousness.

As we rhythmically access the great wholeness of what and who we truly are — 'divine flames of sacrificial Fire’ — we unfold and magnify our innate divinity that is the realization of Soul potential. We are 'Magi in the making' — incarnating Souls, flowering the Soul of Humanity. Joy sings through our lives! As we access the vision of the Plan, we build a "new world" on earth in cooperation with the Great Ones.

Enter this website often — once in the morning and again before sleep, and more often if possible throughout the day.  Establishing a group rhythm, a growing presence of collaborative Soul virtues and qualities, “gives life” to the GROUP CHALICE. Our Soul offerings come through the ritual Meditations, Invocations, Contemplations and Diamond Soul Practices — further filling the Chalice. Angelic Intelligences connected to and serving the Lord of Love assure that our spiritual labors are carried forward. As we nurture our inner life and the higher life of Humanity, we serve as a counter-force to the pain and suffering in the world caused by “wrong thinking” and resultant mis-creations. The Christ magnifies “the good, the true, the beautiful” in accord with a wider Vision and Wisdom of the Plan of God. Look for them in our world rising every day.

As we consciously apply the daily Contemplations and Diamond Soul Practices in our lives, we initiate new causes and anchor better ways of living here on Earth. Through our way of Being, all acts of service — great or seemingly insignificant, join the flow of giving. A smile or lighted thought when prompted by the Soul is an act of service. In aggregate, all acts of love serve the ocean of Giving.

“Opportunities” will be brought to us this Week – let us recognize them as the “holy work" that is Ours to do.  

The New and Full Moon periods of Sagittarius provide directive power as we ascend the Mountains of Consciousness.

We are creative. To live, think, feel and act as 'Christs walking the planes of Earth', our innate spiritual potential begins to demonstrate the true Self in the world in which we live through our thought-life, conscious use of words and loving activity.

Let us expect the unexpected. Recognize miraculous "holy instants" manifesting — inwardly and outwardly — as part of our daily ascent.  Look for them, see with new eyes—the inner Eye of Christ. See adversity as a temporary condition preceding transformation “where on earth we live”. The Mind of Christ in us redeems the world.

The affairs of the world today are 'Soul-sized'.  Learning to participate as true servers in the Group of World Servers under the impress of The Christ and Masters of Love-Wisdom, we extend the “great potency of the Inner Groups" actively fulfilling the Plan of God.  It is a supreme opportunity and privilege to cooperate with Them "on the ground" of daily living. They with us, we with Them — two Kingdoms (Human and Soul) cooperating and merging as has been ordained.

Let us begin our Contemplative Diamond Soul Practices with these thoughts in mind.


Hearing the Voice of the Soul (True Intuition)

The Group Soul Onward Moves

The Origin of Mountains

“When the Planetary Creator toiled over the

formation of the Earth, He gave attention to fertile

plains which could provide people with a quiet



But the Mother of the World said, “Verily, people

will find bread and trade in the plains, but when

gold will pollute the plains, whither shall go the pure

in spirit to gather strength? Either let them have

wings, or let them have mountains, in order to

escape from gold.”


And the Creator answered, “It is too early to give

wings to people, they would carry death and

destruction. But let us give them mountains. Even if

some be afraid of them, for others they will be

salvation.”   .....  

(from an ancient creation myth in the Agni Yoga teachings by Nicholas and Helena Roerich)



Every morning we align with, and step more deeply into the Peaceful Presence of the Soul, allowing Soul energy to flow through us directing the Day. As Souls we enter the Group Soul field — vibrationally opening to the presence of the Christ. OM


(NOTE: You may use the recording for a guided meditation from The First Mountain, or what follows):

◊ Let us enter into 'sacred time' and ‘sacred space’ — no past, no future, only NOW, only Soul, visualizing the place where we are sitting as a temple for the Soul. WE Light a light unto the Christ in the stillness of the Mind, sounding the Sacred Word, OM (silently or softly aloud, feeling its vibration expanding our awareness). ◊ Breathing into the Silence … Identify with the ‘Soul That Is’ — (pause).

◊ On an in-breath, the sacred Word OM sounding, breathe in solarized Life and Light in the Life energies of Sagittarius — The Light that Leads to greater Light … flows through the Heart of the Sun — "The Son of Divine Love" — suffusing our Solar System, the Earth and all its Centers: Shamballa where the Will of God is known, … to and through The Christ and Kingdom of Souls where the Love of God is Known … to and through the Soul of Humanity — through which the Plan of God ultimately manifests into full expression … ◊ OM

◊ In these energies, we breathe conscious "Breaths of Life" … the sacred Word OM sounding by the Solar Logos … His Life pouring through all HIS Centers ... and our own … the downflow releasing atoms of lesser vibration (in mind, emotions and body) … opening the way for a new and higher vibration to move through us …. OM

◊ With intense spiritual aspiration, imaginatively reach deep into the Heart of the Sun — the “Son of Divine Love” … breathing in atoms of pure Light, divine Love and Holy Will … whilst sounding an internal OM, visualizing higher atoms of Light irradiating … infusing … suffusing … heightening every center.  ◊ Intuit now (or visualize) a heightening energy pouring through the Crown ... thence through the central column of the spine — and all the Centers, "Blessing the Earth upon which we live".  ◊ Let us see the energy circulating "whence it came" (or as a great ovoid sphere of circulating light) encompassing all the subtle bodies as one whole — in a continuous fountain of perpetual, living energy — in which we now Stand in spiritual Being.

◊ In this heightened inner state, we attune with the Soul Star Group, seeing every Soul as a sphere of living, loving, radiant Light … together forming One Group Soul of beauteous light and potency.

◊ Together, WE consciously align and attune with the “Great Potency of the Inner Groups” of the greater “Christ Circle" — in Whose Center stands the living Christ — gatherer and distributor of living Solar energies pouring through the Lord of Life and Love. Sounding once again the sacred Word, OM (silently or aloud) … we affirm our resonance with the great Circle of Lights ~ with the Christ in the Center.

With our next inbreaths, we deepen our focus, our attention now focused upon the Central Star of the Christ ~ “The Light of the World” ~ distributing Love Eternal and Light Supernal — lifting all unto Himself — to a higher sphere of daily Living. ◊ OM.

Affirming all these energies pouring through us, we now stand in true alignment — receptive to the “Light of the World” of the Christ — ever reminded that “Whenever two or more are gathered in my Name, there Am I also”. OM

Unified in group Approach to Divinity — the Solar Angel over-lighting All — the Divine Mother presence attended to by Angels gathered round — all established in the field of Light and Love, pledged in service to The Christ and the higher living Will of the Lord of the World— WE STAND in this greater Field.

Remembering that every invocation evokes response from the Christ and spiritual Hierarchy … let us visualize the response flowing into the Chalice of the group Heart and to and through each of us in the Christ Circle from the Heart of the Christ. ◊ OM  (Pause).

◊ ◊ ◊


building THE CROSS OF golden LIGHT

When Christ walks openly amongst Humanity again, this time He will come as World Teacher, bringing with Him great Angelic Intelligences equal to or greater than the spiritual stature of the Masters of Love-Wisdom, assisting in fulfilling His mission.

With this leading thought in mind, we adjust our focus to see (or imagine) standing in our field an Angel of the Lord — Emissary of The Christ, tasked to build with us a great Cross of golden-white Light, for the purpose of intensifying the Light of the World ~ for the Saving of the World.

Subtly sense, standing in the energy field of the Soul Star Group, a great golden-white Angel of the Lord. ◊ Inwardly we intone — “BE WITH US” (thereby invoking and allowing the Angel to be with us now). ◊ OM

Visualize all our Souls radiantly standing round a circle, wide. Bringing our focus to the Crown, visualize a living stream of golden-white light descending from the Crown to the region of our heart centers … Let us pause now to visualize this energy forming a golden white cross in each of our hearts. OM, OM, OM ◊ Thence in one unanimous movement, upon a beam of power, we project our golden-white crosses of light (in the shape of an equal-armed Cross) from each of our hearts to a center just above the circle, where stands the great Angel of the Lord.

◊ See the Angel gather all our crosses of Light into One Living Cross of Christic Light vibration ~ radiating great beauty and living dynamic power. OM

(NEW) ◊ Thence see/visualize the Cross of Light returning to your heart center, every cross of Light greatly empowered with universal Love, radiant Light and Holy Will. Visualize the vertical line of the cross extending high above your Crown touching a higher vibratory heaven ~ and extending below your feet grounding deep into the earth. ◊ Then see/visualize the horizontal line of the cross extending round and through your arms ~ opened wide in service.

We then intone “with power upon the beam” the directing word phrase:



(Some may choose to sound (chant) THE GREAT INVOCATION as a Soul Group with the Christ — as a mantric stream blessing Humanity and all the Kingdoms of nature, conditioning and uplifting all the World).

◊ We remind ourselves, periodically today and in the night before retiring, to attune with the Presence of the Angel of the Lord holding Us and Being With Us in our “holy field of ascent” up the Second Mountain of Consciousness.

◊ Having been strengthened in the vibratory presence of the Soul by the heightened group vibration, we walk with power upon the Beam with the group light increasing its focus upon the Goal.


CONTEMPLATIONS and diamond soul practices



Sagittarius—A beam of directed, focused Light. In this the point of light becomes the beam, revealing a greater light ahead and illumining the way to the center of the light.

Key Word of the Soul: “I see the Goal. I reach that goal and then I see another.” May the words of this final injunction to the disciple carry meaning to the heart and mind.” (Esoteric Astrology by AAB, 193)


In the above image, the doe represents “sensitive intuition” and stands close beside the Archer — the Soul. The Archer and doe of Intuition are facing the future. The Archer shoots her arrows of intuition in the direction of Soul Goals, to fulfill the Soul’s destiny in service of the Plan of God. True Intuition is a soul power rising from pure love found upon the planes of higher Love.

True Intuition is expanded universal comprehension of “what Is” — and what is Coming.


From the high vantage of the Second Mountain, we see more, know more, and will reveal more Light.

Today, we “Dedicate” our work to attaining, and building, in ourselves “The Mind that is in Christ”. We set upon the focused beam this Soul Goal of directed Thought. Pause.

Let us now “Intuit” comprehending the Way ahead. We are increasing the Light such that we live within a wider and more radiant sphere of Light illumining the Way ahead towards a Center of still greater Light. Pause

Merge your thought with “The Mind that is in Christ” — and intone with conviction,

“I am a point of light within a greater Light"

‘I am a Beam of Light shining upon the Way’

“And Thus I Stand”


◊ The Soul Mind, the Heart-Mind that is in Christ, is a unified mind — not separate, separating or separative. It sees and knows the Whole.

The Christ Mind is Real — not filled with impermanent illusions that will eventually fall away and which cannot be trusted. The Soul can be trusted. The Soul Knows and speaks Truth. The Soul knows the Way ahead. The Soul parts the veils for the true Way. Rest in this knowledge — you are treading the Path of the Soul.  

As Soul impressions now descend, they become “directing arrows” upon a broader beam of light. They are lighting the Way here and now and ahead. In the pure vibration of Love in the Mind, we gain the gift of true Intuition — it is a soul power of the heart-mind of Christ.

ASK: What or how are the arrows of Intuition upon the beam of Light directing you, informing you, causing you to think and respond?

Sense this beam of directing energy revealing a greater sphere of directing Light leading the way to Truth and Well-Being. Do you have a role in this greater sphere?

REFLECT: Every true arrow of Intuition (known, heard, seen) moves aspirants and Disciples forward upon the Beam of the Lighted Way. Intuition reveals. See revealed the “Soul Standing”.

REFLECT: In “Soul Standing”, we are rightly oriented, purely influenced — confirmed and strengthened in the Way of the Soul Who is One with the great Center where the Love of God is Known.


TUESDAY — Higher devotion

What is devotion, what is higher Devotion? To what are you, or we, devoted? Devotion means to dedicate one’s love, and one’s energy to or for someone(s), some thing, some purpose. When devoted to giving our life force along a certain direction, we are bound thereby and loyally committed. Higher Devotion is to be dedicated and committed to a higher calling, a higher purpose, thereby devoting our life force, our resources, our activities, our thought life and our love for its fulfillment. The Masters of Love-Wisdom are devoted to the life and work of the Christ. The Christ is devoted to fulfilling the life Plan of the Planetary Logos — God, and in so doing “Loves All.”

"The Law of Love is in reality but the law of the [solar] system in demonstration on all the planes.  Love was the impelling motive for manifestation, and love it is that keeps all in ordered sequence; love bears all on the path of return to the Father's bosom, and love eventually perfects all that is.  It is love that builds the forms that cradle temporarily the inner hidden life, and love is the cause of the disruption of those forms, and their utter shattering, so that the life may further progress." (TCF, 594)  CONTEMPLATE

“… disciples and aspirants must on every hand live harmoniously and love. The violent vibrations of our surroundings must be stilled by a strong counter vibration of love, remembering ever that as we work on the side of evolution, the power of the Godhead itself is with us, available for use. Naught can withstand the steady pressures of love and harmony when they are applied long enough. It is not spasmodic efforts that count. It is the long-sustained, unvarying pressure which eventually breaks down opposition and the walls of separativeness.” (EXT, 516)  REFLECT

The task of pouring out the Love Principle in a new and dynamic manner is being carried out by all the Masters and by all initiates who have taken the third initiation." (EXT, 538) 

◊ ◊ ◊


◊ Consider a time when you yourself have known the power and effect of a steady pressure of love “perfecting all that is”.

◊ Bring to mind a circumstance where “harmony and love” brought a strong counter vibration to stilling a violent vibration in your surroundings.

◊ Have you known of “a disruption of the form, and its utter shattering” caused by “the power of the Godhead with us” — the great Hand of God’s love in action progressing “life” forward.

◊ Reflect upon a situation in your life, or a present world condition, where the “perfecting power of Love” and ”the steady pressure of love and harmony” can be applied — long-sustained and with unvarying pressure.

◊ Hierarchy works pouring out the Love Principle in a new and dynamic way. Love in action is dynamic. What do we see that demonstrate this? What could those new ways be?

◊ “Devotion to Love” takes on higher meaning and purpose when linked to the Law of Love demonstrating on all the planes of the universe. Are we devoted to love and purposed to love because we see how essential love is? Are we committed to love no what the current circumstance? Do we realize that love runs through us when we do? That love creates the new conditions? REFLECT



“Seek not, O twice-blessed One, to attain the spiritual essence before the mind absorbs. Not thus is wisdom sought. Only he who has the mind in leash, and sees the world as in a mirror can be safely trusted with the inner sense. Only he who knows the five senses to be but illusion, and that naught remains save the two ahead, can be admitted into the secret of the Cruciform transposed.

The path that is trodden by the Server is the path of fire that passes through his heart and leads to the head. It is not on the path of pleasure, nor on the path of pain that liberation may be taken or that wisdom comes. It is by the transcendence of the two, by the blending of pain with pleasure, that the goal is reached, that goal that lies ahead, like a point of light seen in the darkness of a winter's night. That point of light may call to mind the tiny candle in some attic drear, but—as the path that leads to that light is trodden through the blending of the pair of opposites—that pin point cold and flickering grows with steady radiance till the warm light of some blazing lamp comes to the mind of the wanderer by the way.

Pass on, O Pilgrim, with steady perseverance. No candle light is there nor earth lamp fed with oil. Ever the radiance grows till the path ends within a blaze of glory, and the wanderer through the night becomes the child of the sun, and enters within the portals of that radiant orb.”

(Rays and Initiations, 761)


"Listen, O Pilgrim, to the chanting of the Word by the great Deva [Angel] Lords.  Hush all earth vibration, still the restless strivings of lower mind, and with ear intent hark to the sounds that rise to the throne of the Logos. Only the pure in heart can hear, only the gentle can respond.

The stormy sounds of all earth struggle, the shrill vibration of the watery sphere, the crashing note marking the place of thought, dims the sound and shuts out the tone.  He who is silent, quiet and calm within, who sees all by means of light divine and is not led by light reflected within the threefold spheres, is he who will shortly hear.  From out the environing ether will strike a note upon his ear unlike the tones that sound within the world terrestrial.

Listen, O Pilgrim, for when that sound strikes in colorful vibration upon the inner sense, know that a point has been achieved marking a great transition.

Watch then, O Pilgrim, for the coming of that hour.  With purified endeavor mount nearer to that Sound.  Know when its tone steals through the misty dawn, or in the mellow sunlight strikes soft upon the ear, that soon the inner hearing will become expanded feeling and will give place to sight and perfect comprehension.

Know when the music of the spheres comes to you note by note, in misty dawn or sunny noon, at cool of eve, or sounding through the deep of night, that in their rhythmic tone lies secret revelation." 

(The Rays and Initiations, 763/4)


I hush all earth vibration. I still the restless mind. Quiet and calm I look within. I see by means of light divine, and not by light reflected of the threefold spheres. — I listen to the Voice of the Soul — revealing the Way ahead, and deeper still, the Sound of God that makes all things new. 

— We give Love to the group with whom we walk.  — We give thanks for the Way made clear. — With purified endeavor, note by note in rhythmic tones, nearer we mount to the Sound of music and secret revelation made known.

Together, rhythmically, we onward move. 


COMPLEMENTARY REFLECTION — Let love be the keynote in all relationships

— Reminded by the Master that during world crisis, groups and individuals working for world goodwill experience stress and strain.  Yet spiritual poise and spiritual sensitivity when working, and Love as the precipitating keynote in all relationships, will precipitate the new world:  

"That which signifies the most at this time is the spiritual poise and the spiritual sensitivity of the workers." 

"It is to this important condition that the group members must pay due attention. Disciples and spiritual workers must not be so occupied with the details of the Plan, with the production of that which will produce the externalization of the ideas, that the spiritual training and strengthening of the workers is neglected. In the dust and turmoil and noise of the fight, grow not insensitive and hard, or so preoccupied that the needs of those with whom you work are forgotten or pass unnoticed. Let love be the keynote in all relationships, for the power which must salvage the world is the precipitation of love, and how shall that find its way onto the physical plane save through a group whose ears are attuned to its imminent emergence, and through the lives of those in the group who are irradiated by love itself?"   (EOH, 333) REFLECT

"Let love be the active force seen among all of you".  ... Let there be "an intensification of love between all of you, and a growth of real understanding. Forget not, at the same time, that love is the great attractive magnetic force, and will consequently draw to itself all that is needed at the present crisis and for the materialization of the vision in due form on earth. ..."     EOH, 335 REFLECT

◊ The image of the GIVING ONE is an image of the miracle-working Heart. CONTEMPLATE

WEBINAR ON THURSDAYS: If you wish to participate, go to Webinar and Zoom tab to find the zoom link for: “Thursdays With the Soul Star Group” — today.


“Few can travel the path of Light”, yet every step ascended gathers strength for the next one. Every achievement magnetizes others to start their journey in the ascent of Consciousness. Every goal achieved grows true wings of spirit, fully realized.

Hierarchy 1931 (Roerich)

(Sloka/Verse 119) Thought controls the vital impulse. … Consciousness attracts all vital expressions, and the creator of thought saturates space. Therefore it is so imperative to strive to broad thoughts and to the understanding of the foundations of Life. Each life is built upon its own orbit, and each life has a foundation upon which all actions must correspond to the Highest. Hence each thought must be directed to true achievement and must guard the highest striving. The quality of striving depends upon the impulse. Therefore one should develop all thoughts leading to the refinement of consciousness. Thus one can build a higher step. ◊ Reflect

(Sloka/Verse 120) Hence, when the highest striving toward the Lord is offered, the manifested orbit and focus should be guarded. Therefore, all Our Abutments should be protected, because clouds are all around. Victory is predestined, but all foundations should be protected, and the highest striving can bring all possibilities. The time is severe but wondrous. It is a time of consummation and construction. It is a time of highest tension and of earthly battle. It is a time which inscribes a great page and which is building a great future. Therefore the enemies rage, for the Highest Law enters into life.

Purification is taking place. Impure accumulations are being expiated. Without the purification of consciousness, humanity cannot advance. Sowers of doubt and distortion continually prohibit Truth and Light, assigning themselves as self-appointed guardians and custodians of the Truth. Woe to those sowing seeds of untruth.

The Spiritual Hierarchy also has its Guardians of Truth and Light, focused in the Bearers of Light who give the people real vision and who can harness these energies into a channel of Good.

The ocean of high Thought found in the Teachings can only be given through a source whose consciousness has been purified. The same rule applies for its reception — only those striving for the high currents of Truth, Beauty and the Good can be channels for these gifts.

Let these be your shield of Light. Inscribe upon your Shield of Light your highest virtues.


“There is no being on Earth, from the very lowest form of life to the very highest, who is not moving onward towards a greater and finer expression of divinity, and Christ Himself is no exception to this universal evolutionary law. He is therefore, at this time and because He is preparing to raise the entire human family nearer to God, laying Himself open to certain powerful in-flowing energies, absorbing into Himself streams of spiritual force, and undergoing a dynamic stimulation which is entirely new to Him; this constitutes His testing for the exalted Initiation which now confronts Him; it constitutes also the sacrifice that He is making in order to complete His work on Earth and bring a new salvation to humanity.   (EOH, 663)

DIAMOND SOUL PRACTICE (select one or more)

Contemplate what inspires you most in the above paragraph — to hold in heart and mind throughout this day.

Take in what it portends, the holy opportunity and sacred responsibility.

Let us recognize the “greater and finer expression of divinity” moving through us and all whom we know and love — even when finding ourselves apparently or temporarily mired or stalled. We cannot stop the evolutionary process though our recognition of it may have temporarily stopped. In the greater recognition, we strengthen the Real in our lives, and in the lives to whom we turn and direct our gaze with the force of Source - drawing it forth.

Through intuition, recognition will come.

On this day let us recognize the “greater and finer expression of divinity” within ourselves. Let us increase the “tension” of it being more Real.

In order to complete His work on Earth, Christ will bring a new salvation to humanity. Ponder this today. In the auric field of the Christ and the Great Ones, the “new salvation” penetrates humanity.

As Christ evolves, so do we with Him.  As the archetypal Human born through Humanity, He leads the body of humanity upon the Way.  His movement forward and upward upon the Mountain is like an updraft — a drawing upward of All Humanity with Him. Can we esoterically understand, and sense, this movement as true and real, thereby finding a profound Truth and assurance in the biblical statement —“I, if I be lifted up, will draw all Men unto Me.”

As “humanity moves onward towards a greater and finer expression of divinity”, there are individual cells within Humanity who are leading Lights upon the Way for others. Let us recognize who they are (intuit, perceive, comprehend) and the significance of their movement as a greater and finer expression of divinity benefiting all humanity.  

◊ We end today’s practice bowing deep to the Fire of the living flame of Love burning deep within the Heart of every human Being, encompassed by the Heart of the “Son of Divine Love” informing the universe.

◊ In the sacred ‘depth of Silence’ of the Christ Star, we forward move on the Mountain, heightening our vibration.


FRIDAY-Venus Day

the crown of beauty

Fiery World, 23

“The World is striving for the crowning perfection. Manifold are the paths of the search. The closest to perfection will be the path of Beauty. … He who seeks perfecton can find through Beauty the powerful laws of Being.

If one would take all distorted manifestations of life and line them up with Beauty one would find the law of perfection. If we take the unbalanced conditions of all principles introduced into life and line them up with Beauty, we shall arrive at the law of Being.

When we observe the life of the planet with all its prejudices, we see that we must inevitably arrive at the victorious crowning through Beauty. One should become accustomed to the realization of the victorious crowning. Such thinking will bring one to the Fiery World.”



“Let the Love of God be spread abroad in every human Heart”

“Once that "mind is in us which is also in Christ" (Phil. II.5), we shall find that the control of [the] emotional nature and this sentient area of consciousness (the astral plane, if you prefer the term!) becomes complete. Then this past sentient control and its entire area of influence no longer exists. It has no reality, except as a field of service and a realm in which men wander in despair and bewilderment.  The greatest service a man can render his fellowmen is to free himself from the control of that plane by himself directing its energies through the power of the Christ within. He will then find that the self-centered forces and the energies of personal desire and of emotional love will be superseded by a living energy which can be sensed in a large way, though it cannot as yet be appropriated in its pure essencethis energy, we call the "love of God."

“It is that free-flowing, outgoing, magnetically attractive force which leads each pilgrim back to the Father's House.  It is that force which stirs in the heart of humanity and finds expression through the medium of such great avatars as the Christ; which guides the mystical yearning found in each human being, and works through all movements that have for their objective the welfare of humanity, through philanthropic and educational tendencies of all kinds and through the instinctual motherhood found everywhere [in every one]. But it is essentially a group sentiency, and only in the Aquarian Age, and as a result of the reappearance of the Christ, will its true nature reach correct understanding and the love of God be spread abroad in every human heart."  ROC, 130/1 ◊ REFLECT


“The greatest service a man can render his fellowmen is to free himself from the control of that plane by himself directing its energies through the power of the Christ within.”

Let this day be for “rendering the greatest service to our fellow men”. Let this day be for directing the energies of the astral plane “through the power of the Christ within” (our own, those in our midst, what and whom we serve, areas and conditions in need of this power).  Let our focus and efforts on this day supersede "self-centered forces and the energies of personal desire and emotional love” by contacting the “living energy” we call “the love of God.”

As astral plane circumstances “rise to surface” in the field today — recognize them as specific opportunities for this rendering. Immediately direct “the dynamic power of the Christ within” through the astral currents in need of redemption.

Begin by seeing and naming “what is” with the Eyes of the inner Christ — Soul Consciousness / Awareness, aided by the Solar Angel working through higher Venus, and the Observer whose Christ perception and divine comprehension moves “what is” into the alchemizing power of the “living flame of Love” that is “the Love of God”.


Let this day be a day of “magical rendering” — for freedom from the astral plane . We are learning to wield and master (make right use of) the energy at our disposal for the greater good — for healing and redemption. All the energies of the 18 lower sub-planes call for redemption and can be subjected to this rendering process. We needn’t be concerned with the details of their origin or how its done, but we do need to recognize their appearance when they ‘come calling’ in order to render them free — By bringing them to “the power of the Christ within” — a living, transforming energy — we set them free.

Once these energies are sufficiently working within us, our life and sphere of service are greatly enhanced. We may find that we “move fast upon the way”. Internal obstructions no longer cloud perception nor slow our progress or movement upon “The Lighted Way”. We move free and unhindered.

“Once that "mind is in us which is also in Christ" (Phil. II.5), we shall find that the control of [the] emotional nature and sentient area of consciousness (the astral plane) … becomes complete.” "The Love of God is spread abroad in every human heart".

CONTEMPLATE — The “living energy we call “the love of God” is an experience of Love as a “living sentient energy field” in our lives.


SATURDAY (Saturn's Day) — Higher Law

We are subjecting ourselves to a CONFORMING process in step with the Laws of the Soul, with Divine law, known by “Hierarchy”.


As Humanity learns to live in conformity with the great Laws of the Soul,

As we choose to live in conformity with the Universal Laws of God,

~ All Shall Be Well

In all manner of things ~

With you, with Humanity and with the Earth,

as IT IS NOW in Heaven

~ As Above, So Below~


“May All Be Well With You,” said the Christ to His Disciples.

◊ Pause to absorb the profound benediction and promise given by the Christ to His Disciples ~

“May All Be Well With You”.

∞ ∞

In the Christ Field — in Whose Energy Field we are learning to “walk Well,” fear and all it’s offspring that create separation from the Source of Life, ceases. Hence, in the Christ field of “God,” fear and separation can find no entry, nor foothold, nor place to land and call home. FOR THERE, ALL IS WELL ~ BROUGHT HERE.

WELL BE-ING is a high state of vibration ~

Being one with our highest nature ~

God—Self — One Self—Monad—Essential Divinity

“May All Be Well With You”

Affirmed and confirmed, we find ourselves in a high resting place in the Holy Field of the Lord of Love.

Let us now integrate all that we have been through this week and all that we have gained in our vibrational ascent of the Second Mountain bringing us into the “higher vibrations of Love”. The Law of Love, an evolutionary force, sweeps through creation — through us and all expressions of the One Life on the ground of daily living.

Lower sediments, crystallizations and old paradigm conformity, once swept away, give space and place to higher contact. The “Inner” changes the outer, re-creating and rendering us “new”. Swept by “the Higher Vibrations of Love in the Mind of Christ”, the Power of “Well Being” becomes the new condition.

Take a timeless Moment now to reflect

“When the Consciousness is saturated with higher strivings, when it is directed to higher creativeness, the magnet of the aura increases a thousandfold … When the spirit aspires to the Higher Source, the magnet of the aura is affirmed in its might.” (Fiery World, 222)

With lower accretions swept away as a result of conscious lofty striving saturating consciousness ~ the Power of Love, Beauty and Joy remain.

What is “Law” for you, now?


“May All Be Well With You”

May this be our thought phrase on this day … given by the Christ to his Disciples, extended as a benediction to all.



In this interlude, between this Mountain and the next, we rest, we integrate and we gather our forces for the next mountain ascent - our Goal the Silence of the Heart of the Logos.


Hierarchy 1931, Roerich

Merging into the waves of the Infinite, we may be compared to flowers torn away by a storm. How shall we find ourselves transfigured in the ocean of the Infinite?

It would be unwise to send out a boat without a rudder. But the Pilot is predestined and the creation of the heart will not be precipitated into the abyss. Like milestones on a luminous path, the Brothers of Humanity, ever alert, are standing on guard, ready to lead the traveler into the chain of ascent.

Hierarchy is not coercion, it is the law of the Universe. It is not a threat, but the call of the heart and a fiery admonition directing toward the General Good.

Thus let us cognize the Hierarchy of Light.


looking ahead






(Sunday-Meditation IV for those who wish to go deeper)





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